healing bracelet

bleed red

Jan 8, 2001
Was up at 2:00 a.m. the other day with my 1 year old....saw an infomercial about a bracelet. This is not the copper or magnet type...this one sends an electrical impulse through your body. It is suppose to be an eastern (chinese) healer? The bracelet is suppose to aide in relieving body pains.
Anyway I am 35 now and after riding the body does not heal as fast!:( Just wondering if this is something anyone out there has tried. I am willing to try anything to relieve the knee, back, arm, neck, shoulder, etc. pains that I get. It has become difficult to ride a couple of days in a row.
Any knowledge is appreciated, because I am very skeptical about these types of things.:D


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
My brother had a severe back problem for several years. We tried everything including many many doctors, Texas back insititute, and even those store bought magnets. Nothing worked. Then this lady lent my mom this Nikken magnet thing and within a week and a half we got results. Since my brother had started using Nikken Magnets his back problem is gone. My mom has a site at www.bearyspeciallife.5pillars.com if you would like more information. You can also email her at bearyspecialdesigns@msn.com she will be more than happy to give you information or answer any questions that you may have, she knows a lot more about this stuff than I do.


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
That is the correct address I even had my mom check it. It wouldn't open for us either, so I think the server is down or something. Maybe try again later and if it still doesn't work let me know.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 30, 2000
Sandbar, NY
All hype?

I went over to the local Sports Authority store, and picked up a magnetic bracelet for $12. Im gonna try this thing out, and see if i can tell the difference. Ill post if I notice anything.:think
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