I got the word today that I will have surgery on my shoulder. I am waiting for a date. They are still not sure what is exactly wrong but the MRI images do not look good and therapy and staying off the bike is not working. It may be next year before I can ride again. I sure do miss riding with the NTSP.
Dang, Randy. But pay attention to your doctor and do your therapy. You'll be back out there before you know it, but you don't want to come back too soon and do some permanent damage.
Hey, Ghost, long time. We should get our original Kiamich group together, with Harley, Keetoman, DWreck, you, me, and Randy, Teeds, and Gene. Then all we need is a tornado, six feet of water in the creeks, and we'll be all set.
now i dont care who you are that was fun!!!! i still laugh when i see those pictures. you know what? i still havent had an indian taco. harley owes me.
get the surgery done asap and get to rehabing. even when it seems that it isnt doing any better, keep at it. it took me two years to recover from an achilles rupture but i dont limp(the doc said i would) and i have to think about which one was injured. it only reminds me the day after i run 4 miles or better.
The Kiamanchi flash flood was my initation to the NTSP. I want to do it all over again without falling down. I think them indian tacos are a old Okie Mountain Myth. If you guys want to make a trip later this fall, I will cook mountain stir fry (ingredients are seasonal and another old Okie Mountain Myth) and stay in camp. That means I will only miss half the fun. Just take pictures of any unusual critters or riders found in big puddles.
We need a trip to Ozona as soon as Tony gets busy and opens the gates. We should be helping open the new trails.
Hi Jim,
I had forgotten about this thread. That certainly was a gully washer that night..... A ride would be fun, maybe soon.
Have you guys heard about www.crossbarranch.com in Davis Oklahoma? I haven't been yet but did talk to the park manager Brad the other day. He said that he was going to open the whole 6500 acres up to dirtbikers and atv's on Nov. 1. 2006. He said they have good plans for this park and told me that the perimeter loop they were working on was going to be approximately 80 miles with several entrances so you wouldn't have to do the whole loop non stop. Of course, they are many other trails besides the loop also. I got an email from him the other day saying that they were going to be having a trail stomping ride to break in some new trails he was cutting. Told me that part of his job is to cut 3 or 4 miles of trails a week. WOW, what a job.... How'd he get so lucky...... He's a pretty nice guy, call him if you have questions.
Reason why I bring this up is because the terrain would be much like Kiamichi if I'm not mistaken. Maybe we could do a ride there sometime.
I have a pal who's been to Davis and he said it's going to be good. I can't wait to go. Let's make plans for a tornado reunion Kiamichi ride in November.
Sounds good. We have an outage scheduled in November at work but maybe we can schedule around that, if not I'll make another one. When does everyone want to go?