
Aug 10, 2004
I am new to MX riding and have a question regarding the right way to jump. I am getting some decent air but notice that most of the riders are standing on the bike instead of sitting before a jump. When I stand on the pegs I feel like the bike is going to take off under me is this normal or should I bend more at the knees? How is standing different then sitting when jumping? Thanks :bang:


Jan 19, 2004
Sometimes when you launch the bike will feel like it is going to leave you behind. You can counteract that by moving forward on the bike when you take off. I personally don't ever jump sitting down, although "seat jumping" does seem to be the latest thing in supercross. At the very least you want to stand before the bike lands and allow your legs to absorb the impact. You won't be able to jump to far at all and remain seated on the landing before you get kicked off.


Jan 15, 2004
You want to stand at the takeoff so your legs can absorb any strange movement the bike makes as it leaves the ground. If you are sitting, then you and the bike will react as one. Wherever the bike is going (nose down, sideways, front high, etc.) is the direction your body will go with it. If you are standing, then your body can move independently of the bike. Standing gives you a stable base from which to control the bike in the air as well. Stay bent at the knees and squeeze the bike between your legs and it won't feel like its going to fly out from under you. Stay standing at the landing and use your legs to absorb the impact.


Aug 13, 2004
yes...thats a perfect way to jump!! I sorta had ur same problem when i first started,but them i started researchin about Gary Semics,and he tells u all the stuff u need 2 no;U should be standing on the balls of ur feet,unless u no ur gonna have a hard landing,and squeeze the bike with ur knees,ur knees can take a lot more than ur arms,arms get armpump...so try those techniques and acually practice them,a lot of people just go around a track and try them,but them say they feel weird,thats whjy u have to make them a regular practice...


If I need to rip a tear off or if I need a quick breather, I'll bounce on the seat and as I'm leaving the face of the jump, I'll jump up into the attack position (Knees bent, looking at your front # plate) and I'll rip the tear-off or give my arms a break for a second. If you ever intend on trying a whip or anything you'll need to learn this tecnique of pre-loading.


Feb 6, 2003
You could purchase a gripper seat so it helps keep your knees attached to the seat better.
Oh and don't use Armor All on your seat. It looks good for trail riding but sucks for jumping.

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