
Mar 23, 2010
I got a 1991 KDX 250 and the top of my piston broke off. I took the cylinder into the shop and they told me it would have to be replated. It has a couple scored spots in it. Do i really need to spend the money on that or can it just be homed out? Also why did the top of my piston break off???


Oct 28, 2008
can't tell without looking, but most likely it needs to be replated. If the top of the piston broke out it's likely it was detonating, or the piston was just way too old.

Plated cylinders can't really be honed in the traditional sense. You can hit them with a cylinder brush or ball hone to remove glazing, but you can't hone out any scratches or gouges. The plating isn't thick enough, and it's much too hard.


Jul 27, 2009
julien_d said:
can't tell without looking, but most likely it needs to be replated. If the top of the piston broke out it's likely it was detonating, or the piston was just way too old.

Plated cylinders can't really be honed in the traditional sense. You can hit them with a cylinder brush or ball hone to remove glazing, but you can't hone out any scratches or gouges. The plating isn't thick enough, and it's much too hard.
+1 to everything julien_d said.

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