
Mar 29, 2002
Hey, i have a 1994KDX200 and i love it. But i recently noticed that when the bike is in neutral, it makes a almost grinding noise. If you look at the front sproket, you can actually see it moving, like it is trying to grab. What is wrong, can someone help????


Jan 22, 2002
Sounds like you need to do some investigation. Possible you bent a shift fork possible that the transmision is just worn . Sounds like it to me though that you are going to have to get the cases split.The almost grinding noise woudl be some cause for alarm though.


dirtbike riding roadracer
Mar 28, 2001
grinding noise's can't be good, look around inside the clutch area and see if you find anything funny


Feb 10, 2002
Can you pinpoint the area of the engine where the noise is coming from and do you know anyone else with a KDX that you can compare it with? Most KDX noise originates from the power valve; the centrifugal advance actuator in the right side case, to be exact. The other culprit could be piston noise (slap, wobble,and rattle). Looking at this in an optimistic light, I would guess power valve. Go back and read posts from your last thread re: oil, and add enough to take it up to the top of the sight glass (about 700 ml. total). I use BelRay but I take it that you don't so use whatever you feel comfortable with. With the extra oil, see if it's any quieter. If it is then your noise could be the power valve. Is the noise louder when the bike is cold? If it is, the piston might be the cause since they quiet down a bit with (heat) expansion. You didn't say how the bike runs other than the noise! If it runs and shifts ok, maybe it's just getting a bit tired (it is a 94). I know at my age I make some sounds that I didn't as a kid. As a last (or first) resort take it to a good shop and ask their opinion.


Mar 29, 2002
k, thanks guys, it is almost like the oil i am using is causing the problem, right after i switched to mobile1 15 50 i started to hear the noise. Its not pisston slap i know that. Its down by the clutch, and when it is in neutral, the clutch seems to be wanting to engage, because you can see the front sprocket move a bit.


Jan 22, 2002
Try a thinner viscousity oil. Drain you oil and take a look at what comes out . Hopefully it will be only oil coming out but you will kinda get an idea of how worn the everything is by the amount of metal floating in it. Just get some cheap 10 w 40 and put it in and see if it makes a difference. dont mess with the clutch or ride it just let it warm up and see if the clicking<if it is what I am thinking>/grinding noise goes away. if the sound starts to ease up and the sprocket isn't jumping my guess is that the tranny is getting a little bit worn and the thicker oil is keeping something where it really shouldn't be.

If this quiets down your problem drain the cheap oil out and find some thinner oil that is made for a motorcycle gear box. Ride and change your oil more often that you used to. Think about whether you want to rebuild your gear box or buy a newer bike. And be ready for when you start having shifting problems. Might be awhile might not


Oct 14, 1999
re: oil and noise. True for later models..may be same for <'95. Yeah, it SAYS 700ml, but a lot of riders use the whole quart. I use a bit (150ml or so) of a new bottle to 'wash out' the case after it drains, then put the rest in after I replace the plug. That added oil makes things a lot quieter.

If the CS sprocket moving is part of the problem, I don't know what the point of piston slap, PV and actuator references is.

Changing oil every few rides is for sure a good idea. but...that was then..this is now :(


Mar 29, 2002
k, thanks guys for all the help, i think i am going to switch to normal 10 30 oil, it seems to be the cheapest and the way to go, i used to run it and i had no problems. So ill put it in and see what happens


Oct 14, 1999
I've never used anything BUT motor oil (10-30 or 10-40 depending on the weather), and have never had a lick of trouble. I know other riders that use: Belray, ATF, Mobil1, gearsaver or some other 'hotrod' kind of oil. Their bikes either don't shift or have clutch problems. Under the heading of K-I-S-S, motor oil works just fine.

.......and imo moment...........


Mar 29, 2002
k , guys here is the scoop. I put in some Castrol 10-30 and all the poblems are gone :) i guess the other stuff was just tooo thick, thanks alot you guys for all your help!!!

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