
Mar 2, 2004
I have an 89 cr 250 that i bought at the end of last summer. Rode it some it seemed to run fine except it was really hard to get started.This year i started to do some research into the hard start so I removed the carb to look for dirt rust etc none found. While I had the carb off I decided to pull out the reeds and sure enough they had weakened and were not closed all the way. Well after replacing the reeds yesterday and putting it all back together the bike starts alot easier but it will not idle down.It runs about 4-5000 rpms and the only way to shut it off is to shut off the fuel and pull th spark plug wire.I pulled the carb back off and the slide and needle move freely and the rubber boot in front of the reeds is intact. Can someone give me some other things to check this is getting to be a pain. :clue:


Jan 26, 2004
Choke/Idle Screw?

On my '91 CR250 the choke and idle screw are one and the same. Try seeing if the screw is all the way down and also check for kinks in the throttle cable or if it is being pinched by the gas tank or something.


Feb 7, 2004
I would definately guess an air leak. spray some wd-40 or starting fluid all over the carb boot/reed block while the bike is running. If the rpms go down, it's an air leak.

Make sure when you twist the throttle you can hear and feel the slide going all the way up and down. A pinched cable may be your problem, but I doubt your slide is in backwards. Usually when the slide is in backwards it will run near its peak rpms, rather than the 4-5k that yours runs at.


I think someone already mentioned this, but is the throttle cable routed correctly? Having it pulled will sure cause the symptoms you describe. Try turning the bars full left to full right while it's running and see if that affects the idle speed.
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