Hey everybody i'm new to this and io thought i would say hi first of all i've been reading ur topics for a long time and thought its time for me to join so here i am and some info on me.
16 years old live in Radisson, Sask in Canada I've been riding for the past 3 years and raced my first time this year. I just brought a 1999 kx125 this spring. Thats all I can think of as of right now but if you have any questions drop me a line. and send my wish with all you guy/gals who have lost friends and family or know people who did.
16 years old live in Radisson, Sask in Canada I've been riding for the past 3 years and raced my first time this year. I just brought a 1999 kx125 this spring. Thats all I can think of as of right now but if you have any questions drop me a line. and send my wish with all you guy/gals who have lost friends and family or know people who did.