hey just registerd


Dec 9, 2004
hey everyone. i just registerd this morning. found your page while searching for forums on cr500's. well as for me i just bought a 1986 cr500. sucker screeems. iv ridden for like 5 or 6 years now. but have just recently come back to ridding again from a brake of about 3 years. i mostly enjoy ridding threw trails in the woods. i learned to ride on a kawasaki 1975 90cc trail bike, after that i have ridden a 1989 cr125, a 1990cr250, a 1984 kdx200, and now am on a cr500. from CT. is there any one in here that has delt with the older cr500 before?
tell me about it if you have..

ok later....

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site BSM501990 :cool:

Be sure and go to your User CP and update information relating to your location, type of riding, etc. After that grab a spot on the couch and tell us a bit about yourself. How long you have been riding, what kind of riding you prefer, where you are located, etc. We will do our best to hook you up with some fellow dirt bike enthusiasts.

As far as your questions on the CR500, I would post them in the CR / KX / RM / YZ (2-Stroke) Discussion forum. There are a number of 500 owners that are members. I am sure they will be glad to help out. Our very own AJ Waggoner with Service Honda is the person responsible for the current versions for sale. He, Eric Gorr and Rich Rohrich have probably forgotten more about the CR 500 than many folks ever knew.

Also, check out the Damn Yankee Dirt Riders forum for a bunch of friendly folks that surround you that get together and ride at least a couple of times a year.

Again, welcome to the site, and shout if you have any questions!
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