Naw, it's just Jeffery. He hurt his knee ridin' his 8 yr old boys little bikey, no motor bicycle, and fell down in the drive-way & blew out his knee. Then he got really "trailer park style" drunk and while staggerin' around the local Piggly Wiggly tryin' to rip-off some more beer he dropped his (a punishable offense in Texas BTW) and slipped in the ensuing mess and that's the real story behind his knee. :nod:JMD said:Messed up knees everywhere. Sometimes I almost think these damn motorbikes are a little dangerous.
If you make it up to DW05, you will have use of the Heartland Spode 4-wheel transport for injured riders. You might have to 'rassell Crispy for it but I'd pay to watch that!:nener:jeffd said:Messed up knee = no riding. Makes me sick. I want to ride, but walking is tough as it is...
And no - I don't want to watch you guys ride! :)
Patman said:Jeff suck up the knee cap buddy. I split mine in half then rehab'ed it only to split it again 3mm to the right. Needless to say the doc wasn't happy LOL! Mine was floating all over the place so they had me in one of those neoprene sleeves with a ring that stabilized the knee cap since they can't exactly put a cast on that will hold it. It woked pretty well and only took about 6weeks to fuse each time.
Tarpaper, what kind of national sales meeting does Subway have? They show ya' how to wear your paper hat or properly positon the billboard you wear out by the highway?