
Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
just checking in... :)


Freedom Ain't Free
Jul 3, 1999
JMD said:
Messed up knees everywhere. Sometimes I almost think these damn motorbikes are a little dangerous.
Naw, it's just Jeffery. He hurt his knee ridin' his 8 yr old boys little bikey, no motor bicycle, and fell down in the drive-way & blew out his knee. Then he got really "trailer park style" drunk and while staggerin' around the local Piggly Wiggly tryin' to rip-off some more beer he dropped his (a punishable offense in Texas BTW) and slipped in the ensuing mess and that's the real story behind his knee. :nod:

Like I said, it's just Jeffery.... :|

Matter of fact, Jeffery never rides anyway. He just likes to sit around & talk about ridin'. That ole clapped out CR of his hasn't been started since, well, the last time I rode it :ohmy:
Last edited:


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Who left the gate open? Now look what came in... :think:

The knee is getting better, but I'm still a long way from riding. The ACL reconstruction went well (yes, I tore it riding a 20" BMX bike - I bailed on a sweeet wheelie after riding it for ~50', lol).

However the slip-n-fall experience I had in Kroger has left me with a broken knee cap that now is continually catching, locking, and dragging. I have to reach down and pop it into place at least a few times throughout the day. Time will tell if I will need another surgery. :|

I miss riding. I took the kiddos to Boondoxxx (ghetto MX) last weekend. We met AMA Pro Adam Mennenga there. He showed everyone the fast way around the track.

How is everyone else doing?


N. Texas SP
Mar 14, 2005
Who turned on the lights? Wake me up when the highs are in the 80's again.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
So Jeff, when can you toss a leg over the old scoot again?

Good to see everyone post up. I was thinking about calling roll after watching my Happy Bday message to Randy hang at the top of the forum for over a week.

I've discovered (thanks to Gene and others) the pleasure of dual sport riding over the summer.

Gene and I went to Moab. Totally fun and we have already earmarked a trip next May as well. You need to join us! More later.

Get your butts signed up for DirtWeek! One day or the entire week, no excuses! The NTSP is too close not to make it. I've got great vittles planned and have almost wrapped up the costs for same.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Messed up knee = no riding. Makes me sick. I want to ride, but walking is tough as it is...

And no - I don't want to watch you guys ride! :)


Jul 11, 2001
I may try to make one day of dirt week, if my knee is not out of commission. I'll decide after I get home and check in with the sawbones.

Mudd Slinger

N. Texas SP
May 5, 2004
I am thinking about dirt week but having too much fun keeping up with the family. They keep me scrapping for penny's. Wife just made a trip to surgery. She is doing fine now but it will be several weeks before she goes back to work.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Hope all is well with your wife!

I will miss dirtweek too. It sucks b/c we are so close :(


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
jeffd said:
Messed up knee = no riding. Makes me sick. I want to ride, but walking is tough as it is...

And no - I don't want to watch you guys ride! :)
If you make it up to DW05, you will have use of the Heartland Spode 4-wheel transport for injured riders. You might have to 'rassell Crispy for it but I'd pay to watch that!:nener:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Jeff suck up the knee cap buddy. I split mine in half then rehab'ed it only to split it again 3mm to the right. Needless to say the doc wasn't happy LOL! Mine was floating all over the place so they had me in one of those neoprene sleeves with a ring that stabilized the knee cap since they can't exactly put a cast on that will hold it. It woked pretty well and only took about 6weeks to fuse each time.

Tarpaper, what kind of national sales meeting does Subway have? They show ya' how to wear your paper hat or properly positon the billboard you wear out by the highway?


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Patman said:
Jeff suck up the knee cap buddy. I split mine in half then rehab'ed it only to split it again 3mm to the right. Needless to say the doc wasn't happy LOL! Mine was floating all over the place so they had me in one of those neoprene sleeves with a ring that stabilized the knee cap since they can't exactly put a cast on that will hold it. It woked pretty well and only took about 6weeks to fuse each time.

Tarpaper, what kind of national sales meeting does Subway have? They show ya' how to wear your paper hat or properly positon the billboard you wear out by the highway?

The kneecap was the icing on my torn ACL :pissed:
I don't even know when I'll get to ride again. Walking is hard enough these days :(


May 8, 2001
we had a lady on my wife's 30+ soccer team tear up an acl 18 months ago. it was a mess. she had three operations to get it right. she rehabed like a mad woman and is now back on the field. she is 40 and wearing a brace but all is good. she is just a little paranoid right now. hang in there. i tore my achilles up in 02 and my body is just now forgetting that it happened. rehab like the doc says and dont expect miracles. it will get better with time. the doc wouldnt let von play for so long because soccer is such a cutting sport.

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