Honda Hills Scramble, how was it?


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
well I'll tell you how it was, it was cold, frozen, did I mention cold? We arrived at the track round 10 am to get signed up and have some time to warm up the bikes. Had to wait in a fairly long line to singup and the wind whistling past us made the chill down close to zero I'm sure. Got signed up and bolted back to the truck, heat full blast. Have you ever tried to change in the cab of a pickup truck? It's difficult to say the least. Layered up with thermals and extra socks jerseys and whatnot and actually felt warm, except for fingers and toes. The GasGas is extremely cold natured, it took a lot of kicking to get it lit. I tried my best to keep the motor warmed so I could get it started easily. I rode heavyweight novice class and we were the last line to take off. I spent a good half a minute kicking the bike before it lit up and off I went. Did great until I hit the frozen grass section, then met with ten kinds of sideways. I stalled out the bike and went through the cursing and kicking ritual. Upon getting in the woods I found that racing on frozen ground isn't at all easy. El pres was dead in the creek section when I met with a slick off camber and, you guessed it, stalled the bike again. He was gone by the time I got the beast started again. Good slick uphill and I was back in the woods for a brief time then out onto the long grasstrack, which was pretty fun. It was bad from there on out. Woods were slick, lots of turns to slide out on, and then they threw in the swamp where everything that wasn't under water was covered with ice. The highlight of my day was the nastiest hill on the course, a swift 90 degree right hand then up a frozen and slick slate hill. I blazed around the turn and just had time to see a rider stalled halfway up, I held the gas full on and motored up by him and got right near the top before breaking loose, I managed to finish the hill with ease. Back through the barrels for lap two, it took me a long time to finish lap one, and my hydration pack was now an ice cube so thirst was about to get me. I found the same slick off camber in the creek section and decided I'd had enough. After getting back out of it I headed for the truck and though I didn't stay to see the outcome I feel certain it's a DNF. El pres was already there, or his bike was at least, he was still at the ambulance having is thumb wrapped up (crash?), he didn't even finish lap one. All in all the course was excellent, if the track hadn't been so slick I definitely would have gone for more, but the worn out 756 on my bike made traction non existant. This place would be great for spring and summer, but I think I'll have to avoid it in the cold weather :eek:

el presidente

Dec 21, 2000
jeff said it right when he said it was cold and slick. the track was miserable, would have been perfect if it was like a spring, summer, or fall run. i rode lightweight novice. i made it out of the start rather well, one kick and i was off. that was the only thing i did well the whole race. after a very brief shot of the woods we were on the motocross track, where some kid on a kawasaki t-boned me and sent me in an uncontrolable 180°. back into the woods and i picked the wrong line and got stuck in a creek, thats when jeff caught me. after that i was gone and never saw him. i rode another 3 miles and i said this sucks, i am frozen so i went back to the truck, when i discovered my glove was covered in blood, so i ended up in the ambulance getting my hand and feet warmed/cleaned up. well thats all i am going to say other than i ain't riding in the winter anymore :uh:


Mar 1, 2000
Yeah, that's pretty much the way I remember it both times I raced it. The first year I got a fourth in four stroke class mostly because the smarter guys did'nt race or quit early! The second year I simply forgot how much I sufferd the last year. :think I'm proud of you guys for just entering!
My friend Jimmyz is working on reserving the Marion County Fairground indoor mx track for sometime in February. It's not much , but it aint frozen!! Or maybe the temps will get over freezing and we can all head to Laurelville.
How was the turn out? Oh yeah, damn I'm sorry I missed it. NOT!:debil:


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
Thanks Rich, but I should have been better prepared, a new tire and first gear would have made life a lot easier for me. I almost went ahead and finished the second lap, but my hydration pack was a chunk of ice on my back and I was dying of thirst. A few friends of ours went as spectators and took some pics, as soon as the film's done I'll post them. Turnout wasn't too bad, the number of entries wasn't as high as last time I don't think. Quite a few spectators to hear me cuss loudly as I was kicking my bike too :scream:


Feb 20, 2001
When are you having the southern ohio team H/S and weenie roast?

el presidente

Dec 21, 2000
hey im game for whenever we get this god for saken snow off the ground. we are currently tying to locate some new trail, but i am sure jeff has no problem hosting a team HS/ weenie roast. buti got dibs on rich on my team:p

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
Good job guys. If you did at least one lap it counts as a finish and you should show up on the results. I think the year I did it I only managed three or four laps and I rode the entire time! :think

Well, at least we have some time to work on our bikes. You never know around here though, it could be 60 next weekend! Just think though, the next harescramble you do HAS to be easier, :D

Can't wait for the pics.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
one lap counts as a finish? are you sure? that would be awesome, I'd be dead last in my class but hey that'd still be better than a DNF :)


Nov 12, 2000
I'm glad you had as much fun as I expected:) The race this spring @ Mansfield was similar weather, with an inch of snow falling for the second half. The trail up there is only 1.5 miles long so we had to do 15 laps in two hours. I stopped three times for goggle changes and the wheels froze into solid discs. When the race was over, I had to leave the bike in the trailer till the following Wednesday because it was frozen into a solid yellow popsicle..................That's why I didn't join you guys. I do have Loullabelle welded up, but one heated grip isn't working:( and the jetting needs richened up. Do I have any takers for the winter riding if we get any more wonderful, beautiful, powdery, fluffy, clean snow??? I can provide screws for your tires:p Tim


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
I'm all for riding in some snow :)

but...I need to get a few cold weather riding things, gloves new tire and whatnot. (hmm, grip heaters would be sweet)

el presidente

Dec 21, 2000
so when are we getting together for this team HS at jeff place, i seen spd mention it but ain't seen anything about it. heated grips:think


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
oh, I forgot that not all of us have our real name as our nickname ;)
Yep I'm chandler, you can probably pick out where La presidente was too :p

el presidente

Dec 21, 2000
Yep I'm chandler, you can probably pick out where La presidente was too
thats pretty funny jeff but guess what, i finished higher in my class:p
i got forth in lightweight novice, and i was smarter than jeff and quit earlier
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Feb 24, 2001
i think i can speak for jeff and myself when i say that the idea for a small, friendly team harescramble/weenie roast would be one hell of an idea. If we could get some feedback from some of the regulars (dennis, rich, bill) and maybe a few others i think i could be tempted out of the house and into my carhartt to go connect Our small track and possibly more diffcult trails on the other side of the farm. What do you say jeff, separated shoulder be damned, lets go. . . um. . . cut trail (and then ride).


Jan 14, 2002
I'm very interested in rinding with new people and in new areas. I just rode the snowscramble race in Waynesburg this weekend. Awsome. New race is next 2 weeks from now. At the "No Whiners track".

There are several options for winter riding. We go riding in Chillicothe. e-mail me if your interested. KY trips are invite only, Chillicothe is prerequisite.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
have you ever ridden richland furnace or stone quarry? We're right down here close and richland is our winter playground. Plenty of fun trail that is passable even when completely frozen. If you've ridden any of ADR's enduros then you've probably been down this way once or twice, even the ERA two day from mcaurthur runs down through richland a little bit.
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