How long is a 'ride' anyway?

Mar 18, 2004
As I try to figure out which oil to use and I search through the many posts here, I often here things like 'change your tranny oil after every second ride', others do it after every ride.

My question is: how long is a ride anyway? Are these people getting up at 6AM, hopping on their bikes and cruising on trails till sundown on a long summer day? Or are they riding a couple of laps around the motocross track and counting that as a 'ride'?

I mean, talk about a vague description. Like, those that say you should change your oil as often as possible. Well, that would mean that as soon as do an oil change and start up the bike, I should turn it off and do a new oil change. Again, very vague directions.

So back to my question: how long is this ride you talk about anyway? One hour? 12 hours? What type of conditions: slowly cruising the trails in low third or full blast at the mx track?

If instead of using the term 'ride' people would be a little more descriptive such as in the number of actual hours of riding, or counting that as a tank full, it would be far less confusing.

For instance, when I fill my gas tank and do laps at the motocross track (not going hard) it usually lasts me 2.5 hours or so of casual cruising the bumps with the eventual drink breaks.
Using the gas tank as a scale, how many gas tanks can I go through before having to change the oil? I have just added Castrol Grand Prix 4 stoke 10-40 oil to my rm 250. Not sure when to change it next and would like to have a good indication as to when that should take place.
Just please don't tell after every 'ride'.

End of rant.


Apr 28, 2003
Well, I'm not an expert on tranny oil or anything, but I change my oil after 3 trips to the MX track. All told, I'm probably putting about 12 hours of hard riding time in before oil changes.

However, after replacing a clutch I will change the oil after 1 "ride" (4 hours ride time).

Hope that helps.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I put hour meters on the bikes and change the oil at 5 hours. (But I stay in 1st gear and don't twist that MakeNoise handle on the right side)

YZRider...are you using an hourmeter or estimating? A full day of hard riding for me is not much over 2 hours of actual running time.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I can usually tell when an oil change is necessary by the way my bike shifts. A fresh oil change will give smooth / no missed shifts but after a couple of races I start noticing that I must pay more attention to shifts. Usually takes a couple of practices and one race weekend doing MX riding 2 classes.


Apr 28, 2003
HLG, that is an estimate, but maybe conservative (as far as bike wear/tear). Actual ride time is probably closer to 3-3.5 hours. I usually spend about 5-6 hours at the track, so that means about 3.5 hours riding time and 2 hours gearing up and sucking down water.

BTW, do you ride at TNT? Some friends of mine went there this week and said it was pretty cool. We'll likely go back sometime. They also went to a place near Emeral Isle, kind of a sand track but I can't remember the name. Just wondering.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
The owner's manual often will specify what constitutes a race/ride and what the service intervals should be. For my CR250, the manual indicates each 'race' includes, practice, etc... and is 2.5 hours of running time.

IMO, trail riding is less demanding per hour on the bike than racing moto, so a day of trail riding 5 hours run time would be a 'ride'. That should be 50 - 75 miles of single track trail riding.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
When I'm there for 8 hours, I *might* ride for 2 (but I'm old and out fo shape).

BTW, do you ride at TNT?
What I do there has loosely been described as riding by some.

Some friends of mine went there this week and said it was pretty cool.
Cool! Were they there during the week or last weekend? I was there Sunday.

We'll likely go back sometime. They also went to a place near Emeral Isle, kind of a sand track but I can't remember the name. Just wondering.
Please try to find that name!

Let me know when you can get back down here so I can show you the slow way around the track!


Jul 26, 1999
High Lord Gomer said:
A full day of hard riding for me is not much over 2 hours of actual running time.

How much of that time is spent laying on the ground? :laugh: :moon:
Mar 18, 2004
Thanks all for your responses, this gives me a better idea.
For the past couple of seasons I have been running Yamalube 4 stroke oil and would leave it in the bike for about 20 hours, which I see now to be way too long. In fact the oil is often dark grey and this can't be good. If this Castrol Grand Prix works well (should find out in a day or two) then I'll be replacing the oil a lot more often, since it costs less than half the Yamalube.

I'll go with va_yzrider's numbers and will aim for a change after my third time out, which should total about 10 hours to 12 hours of doing laps at the mx track (I don't ride hard, so this could probably be enlongated a bit). But this gives me a starting point.
Thanks again. Will let you know how I find the Castrol Grand Prix oil (which btw can be found at Walmart, at least here in Canada)


Feb 7, 2002
I typically change after 40-60 trail miles(1 ride) on my VOR and every 2 rides on my GasGas 2 smoke. Always synthetic.


Apr 28, 2003
RM250sRalRight, glad I could be of some assistance. This interval has worked well for me for the past few years on my bike and it is still running very strong.

HLG, I think they were there on Monday or Tuesday, not exactly sure. It must have been during the week though b/c they said they were there alone until about 2:00.
Also, I'll get the name of that place near Emeral Isle for ya. Their report was great and said the cabins were a perfect setup (cost was $40 for the night). I'll have to see it for myself though, hehe.


Apr 28, 2003
No real plans yet, but I will be sure to let you know when we do. My friend said that the people who run the track told him they attract between 300-500 people on the weekends. The place must be HUGE!
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