How many fingers ?

Feb 25, 2001
I run one finger on the clutch 90% of the way around track. I get pumped up in my arms due to the fact of poor body position and lack of pull with the clutch. I should be holding onto the clutch lever with the pointer finger and middle rite ? I know its some what of a self opinion but I think with 2 fingers on the clutch it will make it alot easier to pull in. Whats some ways to help break the bad habbit of only one weak finger on the clutch. I have tried 2 fingers and it mentally makes me feel like less fingers on the bar I feel like im going to fall off when I hit a bump. Or that im not in FULL control. Should I try taping the fingers togather...that might do it...or make for a nasty crash but I should start out slow. ??? any ideas. Every time I have tried 2 fingers within a few corners on the MX track im back to 1 finder without knowing it . Im on a 125 which you know your always using the clutch.


Jul 5, 2001
Im not sure, but I either keep my pointer and middle finger on or just my middle.Both work for me.I mostly use both though.Hoped this helped.:) ;)


Nov 13, 2001
Slightly Bend your back a bit and you will feel less tention but if you are in the habbit of using one finger just keep the one finger on and then just bring the other one up if you are prepared to use the clutch, if not, stick to what you are used to :D


Oct 5, 2001
man, i know exactly where your coming from. i had the same problem of only using the index finger all the time, but i suffered from lack of strength. When i bought my YZF, i made a concious effort to use two finger all the time, and it worked for a while but i kept slipping back into the one finger routine.
i got hurt and left the MX track for a while. I stayed with riding on trails, and stayed with the two fingers again. it was easy because there was no stutters or jumps to worry about. I must have ridden those trails for about a month before heading back to the MX track. Went for a lap and looked down at the bars. Two fingers! even on the stutters and jumps, they didn't move off the leaver once.
so i guess its just practice, and more practice.


May 20, 2001
Yeah, just do it. Maybe on your warm-up laps at first. I have the same problem with the brake (one-fingered clutching is no problem, I have enough strength for that), especially since I have to modulate the throttle using the same hand. I have practised by doing stoppies using two fingers but am not yet comfortable with two when in braking bumps.


Nov 15, 2001
i have the same problem when i use my pointer finger, so i trained myself to use my middle finger. it took me a while to get used to it, but in the long run i got LESS arm pump. also, to reduce the pumped up arms, ride more often.


Nov 8, 2001
I am a one finger user as well, but instead of trying to change to 2 fingers, look at lever and cable as well. Maybe your finger gets tired because of the lever, would an easy pull style lever work? Yamaha makes a pretty good bend, as well as an an xt honda style. [you will need the perch as well] make sure your cable is lubed as well, a freshly lubed cable has less resistance.
Check your play in the lever too, run about a nickels width of play.

These 3 things may just be enough to not cause arm/finger pump.


Oct 5, 2001
a good trick for you brake/clutch levers is to move them inwards a bit at a time. This way you will apply more leaverage onto the lever and thus making it lighter. This is especially good on the brake, but for the clutch its probaly best to use two fingers if you can.
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