Rich, don't know if this will help you, but I road raced one in a Harris chassis for 2 seasons.
Reliability: all I ever did was change the oil & adjust the valves. Person I sold it to went 2 more seasons before sending it to Mazzafaro's (sp) to freshen it up & get more power. Never ran right again.
Clutch & tranny: shifted firmly (like the leverage was wrong), but no problems
Power: very broad & smooth (still a feel I bench mark other motors to)
Delorto: hardest thing here was getting the jets, needles, & other parts. That aside it took asimilar mindset to a mikuni.
Mods: The only thing I would have liked to do is lighten the crank/rod/piston assembly, maybe investigate the overly firm shifter feel. The head was already ported when I got it.
Never had the engine any farther open than clutch & valve access.
btw it was 93 w/ close ratio trans.