husky wr360 problem


Mar 29, 2006
Hiya, just got a husky wr 360 2002. The problem i have with it is that the kick start gear is stripped. Can anyone tell me if it is an easy job to do or not. I haven't stripped the bike yet as i dont know if it's something i can do or it has to go into a shop. Would anyone have an engine strip down diagram. Any help would be most appreciated.

wr 1157

Mar 19, 2006
Hi, does it ratchet on the way down ?? but sometimes it catches it, and turn`s it over ??i just took my wr 360 in to smr racing bolton,england , they have stripped it down today if it is the same problem as mine it is a spring between 2 gears with a circlip on the end ,the spring breaks/weakens with use or the circlip fall`s off 2 hour` s labour and a few bit`s £100 max :blah:

Vince Stokes

May 30, 2002
Old news but if you dont have the decomp head from R and D in Austraia your making life hard for your self,do a google R and D Husky and have a look.


Mar 29, 2006
I took the clutch cover off and there are bits of metal from the gears in the bottom. I rang a shop and got a quote of around £160 . The kickstart would go down a bit then jump a bit where the teeth are missing. Now it wont move at all. I think a piece of the gears is lodged between the cogs. Thanks for all your help.


Nov 22, 2003
wr360 starter problems

Hi the 1995/96 wr360 they had a factory floor in them in that the idle gear for the kick start mech was mounted to a post that is held in by a single hex bolt through the middle and onto the casing . the bolt would back out and the post and idle gear would flap around striping the teeth from the gear at the back of the clutch basket and large chunks of alumimiun from the clutch basket. the idler gear meshes with the gear on the back of the clutch basket to turn over the bike when kick starting it.
it also cracks the aluminiun casing around the post . i hope this isn't the case with you bike. i would also invest in a decpom head from R and H in sydney Australia makes them kick lick a 125 and you can also bump start them aswell
cheers paul

wr 1157

Mar 19, 2006
pcahbrown top marks, that is exactly wht has happened to mine, the shop rang me up and said" you need to come in" that means new crankcase castings, £650 only sold in pairs, clutch £355 plus the cog`s , the seller is coming round now ....... i`l let you know what is said ... the whole bike is worth £800 .........
to be continued.... :bang: :bang:

wr 1157

Mar 19, 2006
oh well, the guy must have bodged it coz he gave me £300 back so the whole bike now only stands me at £350 so i`m looking into alloy crankcase welding and machining it to original spec but beefed up welding to the cast so it don`t go again.. i`ll probably helicoil it too
oooh that`s the sun on the horizon then,be cool :cool: :boss:


Aug 13, 2000
Easy to fix on this bike, as the parts are all maintainable by pulling the cover. If you can pull the cover and clutch, you can do the job.

However the starter return spring is inside the cases and you cannot change the spring without splitting the cases. There are no other kickstarter parts inside the cases.

I still have my 360 Husky. It took some time, but I have the bike fairly well dialed in for my old man style.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at cujet at aol dot com.



Nov 22, 2003
new casings

hi sorry to hear about the cracked casings . if you contact a company here in australia called Jaydee motorcycles they are the largest husky wreaker here . they had a matched set of cases for $800.00 and with the exchange rate thats about 300 pound . there web site is
Try and avoid welding as it will weaking the alloy
good luck Paul


Aug 13, 2000
I would not be afraid of welding the cases. Matter of fact, if the damage is minor, it should need additional machining other than the weld itself.

My Husky has plenty of mods and welding on it.
