I crashed...need help with something...


Oct 6, 2001
I crashed hard today in eastern washington at Horn Rapids. I cased a double and crashed spraining both my ankles and smashing my radiator on my bike:(! Someone mad a mistake and that made me have to slow down at the last second, so I cased it and it sucked! I was going home after that lap too! What a way to end a really fun weekend of riding:(. My dad is mad because he doesn't know how much it will cost to get it fixed. If only I didn't have to do one more lap:mad:, but I was just having too much fun up until then. I don't regret going though, because I had a blast!

Does anyone know how much it is to replace a radiator on a YZ125. I smashed the left side only, the right side is fine. So how much do you think it would cost?


I'm gonna take a guess and say that it will cost you $200, +/- $25. If you do a search at some online parts sources, you should get an accurate answer if no one posts here that has had to replace the same part.


Aug 1, 2001
I've priced new ones at my discount place and they run $170 for the left and $244 for the right. I'd say at LEAST $200 for you from a dealer, probably more. If it's damaged, but repairable, I'd sent it to Mylers. They are located in Utah. THe phone # is 1-800-367-7699. Minimum charge is $35.


Dec 10, 2001
i have sent three rads. to mylers he is fast and good. the most i spent at one time was 75 bucks. give him a try.:cool:


Oct 6, 2001
Thanks guys, I'll post some pics later today of what my bike looks like now with the radiator, and you guys can tell me if you think it is repairable. 35$ is a lot better the 200.


Sep 22, 2000
UPS same day return

Originally posted by grsh
i have sent three rads. to mylers he is fast and good. the most i spent at one time was 75 bucks. give him a try.:cool:

Find the information on Mylers in the back of just about any Dirt Bike magazine and get the shipping address.
UPS it to them and it will be repaired the and sent back to you the same day they receive it.

Should cost around $75.00 like grsh said.

Good luck
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