
Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Well, I went MX'ing today. A fun natural terrain track. Did I enjoy myself? Nope. Will I go back? Heck yeah.
Practice was under-200's all-in, so I felt totally intimidated. We were being shown the track by someone, but as I'd left last & was slower than everyone else, I spent half my time trying to work out whether I was going the right way or not, the other was getting out of the way of the faster riders (or holding my line even if I really didn't want to be where I was).
After 3 laps, I decided to call it quits & wait for the first race - we were 2nd to last running with 4-6 classes ahead of us. Well, just as we were on the starting line, the heavens opened. Wahoo, this'll be fun - a heap of novices, a muddy paddock. I spotted the only other chick riding down in a heap, so slowed down to make sure she was okay (see, my killer instinct cuts right in). Carried on for a bit, saved it quite a few times, then dumped it. Got going again for 5 metres, if that & dumped it again. Okay, I don't like this uphill with the corner on it (hell, what do cambered corners look like?), I'll cut across it. Got to the finish line again (I'd cut the finish-line corner before) and bummer, it's the checkered flag. Going into all the corners had been fun, as you had to watch the bike in front & work out whether he was going to dump it or not - with a 95% chance he would. You also had to stop yourself from dumping it or sliding into someone picking their bike up. I had a huge grin on my face the whole time, that was a hoot.
Second race rolls around, by this time I'm frozen - it was raining off & on all day, with a chill factor of -10000 - that wind was cold & didn't stop blowing. (yeah, I'm exaggerating, but it was cold).
The one thing that got me, was where I was sitting I could see my parents' house & I knew they had a hot shower. Oh, right, back to the race.
The ground had dried out, the traction was good, no one fell often. It was boring. I got spooked by a guy who'd stalled on one of the many corners I didn't like & stalled it myself. As I came into yet another corner I didn't like, I couldn't go wide as I'd cut across the guys coming up to lap me, so went real tight & dumped it, causing my bark-busters to move up & not really leaving me enough room to put my hand in. Got going again, found the nearest place to leave the track & went back to the van.
I then decided I'd rather sit in the warm van than ride again and called it a day.
If I could've ridden more often, I'd have had more fun, but 1-1/2 hours between races in the cold & wet is too much, especially when I was only managing a couple of pathetic laps.
I dunno, I just ain't got it, but I'll try something else next time & won't run barkbusters on a MX track ;) hehehe
So that's the story of my sorry day, oh, mum & dad's shower was brilliant afterwards ;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Cool, congrats! You should have seen my first time on a track. I was in first gear most of the way and falling down every which way. Of course, not much has changed in 2.5 years . . .
Anyway I'm glad you decided to give it a go and hope you go back. It will get better each time, I promise.


Sep 7, 2001
Hey Michelle, sounds like you had a good time.
How were you stalling in the corners? I know it sounds like an obvious question.
How many people were on the track with you?
And, what kind of turns don't you like?

FC22, you in for the Reno Ride?
We need some firecracker like you to help get it going!!!
FC22 fails to mention that she was on a borrowed bike at DW and that you rode it really well and constantly.
It was really fun following you in the woods loop.
I would love to go on some rides with you up north.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Good job Michelle! I just did my first MX at Dirtweek and had a blast too. The track was muddy in the morning and freaked me out enough in that condition, I can't imagine racing in the rain like you did. Glad you had fun!!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Thanks Fe. I had fun riding with you too. Never did catch you in the women's mx though! I couldn't believe you said that was your first, or one of your first, times on a track!

I really liked that CR and it was actually harder to go back to my bike than it was to get used to the CR. I'm gonna spend some time making my bike handle better--forks up, shorten the wheelbase, maybe offset t-clamps or something.
Or I could just learn to ride. ;)

Natalie, you rode really really well too. How's the KTM treating you?

Congrats gals!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by Fe_princess
Hey Michelle, sounds like you had a good time.
How were you stalling in the corners? I know it sounds like an obvious question.
How many people were on the track with you?
And, what kind of turns don't you like?
I hate off-camber, tight turns - with a downhill leading into it & an uphill coming out, I also hate just under 180degree turns. I hate turns ;) I was going into the corners too slow and not getting on the gas quick enough and when forced into a tight turn, well, pick up the bike again.
There were probably about 15-20 bikes on the track (heck, I should've counted them as they went past, but I was too busy concentrating on making sure I wouldn't get in the way - so probably was hehehe).
There were two women (well, one to be truthful) in the race - I was just adding to the numbers, the rest were novice guys (my husband and a couple of friends being part of it, so every time they'd go past me, they'd yell out to see I was okay - as if they'd have helped me if I wasn't lol).
FC, it's easier to modify the bike than it is to learn to ride - no wonder my bike's tricked out ;)
Nat, it's easier to ride in the rain where everyone's struggling, than it is on a perfectly groomed track & you're the only one struggling (I worked out why I enjoyed the first race more). What's this about a KTM? I've missed something here.
Princess - I read that maybe the Reno ride won't happen if they can't find Strick? (I may be on the other side of the world, but I still like reading about what you gals are up to - in a way, you lot are my riding buddies - I know I was determined to ride yesterday because of you all & otherwise would've chickened out/missed out - call me wierd, but hmm, you wouldn't be the only ones hehehe).


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Hmm...you say you didn't enjoy yourself, but in your commentary you mentioned "I had a huge grin on my face the whole time, that was a hoot." :)
Can't fool us-- your excitement shows through. ;) And what the heck-- you gave it a shot, rain mud and all! That takes courage right there. Glad you made it through intact-- next time, maybe you'll enjoy yourself even "less"!! :p


Aug 13, 1999
Maybe it was the smile practice Nicole uses? ;)

Glad you tried it Michelle!!! It really does get better. I've only been on a track three time until yesterday and that was only as part of my yearly harescamble rides.

After a few laps yesterday with FC22 I was much more comfortable, not any faster or any better but not nearly as scared. (And FC22, your full of bull! You'd never did fall down yesterday and I know WHAT you did do!!!) :thumb:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I hate off-camber, tight turns - with a downhill leading into it & an uphill coming out, I also hate just under 90degree turns. (oops, originally put 180d, what the heck is one of them? I'd call it a straight?
Man - I was just meant to edit the original post quickly, but stuffed up - I'm not a morning person -sorry.
I enjoyed the first race, not the 2nd - hence I didn't go out for the 3rd. And I hated the sitting around for 1-1/2 hours between races, just so I'd do 2 laps & warm up - if I'd been managing a full race, it would've been a bit better, but not much. It was just too cold. (thought I might as well add this in as I'm having a rough day anyway - I realised what I'd put after going to bed - ya know how it goes and then felt a dill)
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The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
I just thought that was a witty way of saying ANY turn was trouble - I could relate to that!!!
Actually, the thing I like best about track work - race or practice - is going through the same corner over and over. Usually takes me 3 times before I've figured it out... and if one is particularly difficult, I can watch other riders go thru it on my off times, ask for advice, etc. My standard problem is letting off on the gas at just the right moment to lose any forward movement at all, esp. right hand tight turns, foot goes out and the ground is too far away and over I go, upside down no less.

Natalie! You,ve got a KTM??

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