I got a little impatient so....


Sep 17, 2007
I've been getting a little impatient with this whole waiting game that's been occurring as I delve further into the '90 KDX 200 and find more and more little things I should repair/replace/inspect/clean with her.

So I've been constantly scanning Craigslist for just the right deal when ... BAM!!! There is was!!!

A 1996 KX 500 for $1250.00

And the guy lived super close to me too!

AND... he had just gotten finished going thru everything to get ready for the riding season. New brake pads front and rear. Brand-spanking new rear tire/chain/sprockets.

It already has a Desert tank on it!

Full FMF system with Turbine Core USFS Spark Arrestor!!!

And the shop/tech that re-sprung re-valved his bike is the same guy who made magic happen on a KTM 450 I used to have. And the previous owner was just a little heavier than me to that's perfect!!!

He flushed the radiators, brake lines too!

The only bad thing was that the kick-starter lever has some free-play in it (I think it can be cured with a new circlip) and when I went to kick her over in my street shoes (leather with a work-boot type sole & heel) my foot slipped off the lever at the end of the stroke and gouged me somethin' fierce down the inside of my shin bone.

After I stoicly re-gained composure without wimpin' out in front of the guy... he thankfully offered to let me use his riding boots temporarily to kick her over and go for the test ride.

And Hoooo Leeee Shiiiiiittt!!!! The power in this beast is UNREAL!!! It took a split second for me to forget about the pain on my shin as I had to concentrate and being easy with the throttle on the freshly rain-wetted black asphalt.

She wanted to claw at the sky in EVERY GEAR!!!! :yikes:

I am soo excstatic right now!

Now if all this blood and swelling would just go away... :p

Hehe... so now I'm thinking Santa just might have a surprise for my younger brother in the form of a KDX 200


Dec 6, 2005
That will keep you sharp in the nice tight wooded sections. Large log crossings might be the adrenaline rush your looking for.


Feb 24, 2006
"Damn dude, you fricken stole that thing!" Man would I love to have one of those, been wanting one forever, last one I came across was a 99 and they wanted 2800 bucks for it! Gotta love that ripp your arms off power of a 500 2 stroke, the crazy thing is the KX 500 weighs 2 lbs lighter than my 2000 KDX 220 and twice the power, INSANE.....


Oct 30, 2007
umm...im sure the bike is nice, but i cant remember what it looked like. seems someone posted a picture of their freak foot in your thread. 1) what the heck is wrong with your big toe nail. 2) please dont post pictures of your shaved man leg. even if there is a wound included. :)

i had a 310 TRX 250R pushing 190-200 psi. they are forward kick. if your foot slipped off the kicker that thing would come flying back into your shin. i kept boots in the barn, in case i needed to kick it. i would not even pretend to start it without boots on. i only had to learn that lesson once.


Sep 17, 2007
You Stole It!

Oh I know! I'd been scanning CraigsList for quite some time. I'd also looked at an '01 but it was like $3000.

I soo totally lucked-out like a mofo on this deal. and you could see it in his eyes that the guy had mixed feelings about selling his KX... he mentioned something about "I was thinking of just keeping it too.... but need the space in the garage". It was definitely their in his eyes though.

And man oh man... once I got into 3rd and it finally truly warmed up...DAAAAAAAAAAAYUM!!!! :yikes:


Sep 17, 2007

1.) That toe-nail used to always get all in-grown on the interior side. So about 3 times in a row I worked and worked and pulled it completely off and it the process the nail bed has become damaged in a way that I actually appreciate as the nail no longer jabs deep down into the flesh like it used to.

2.) I wasn't ABOUT to put that sticky ol' medical gauze tape on my fur. BUMP THAT!!! I ain't THAT stupid. Sorry about the leg photo.. I know what kinda powerful effect it has on the ladies... I didn't stop to think that it might affect you too. :rotfl:


Sep 17, 2007

Yeah... seriously... I immediately noticed how light it felt. I remember being surprised by that. :nod:
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