
Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
Finally got to ride my ‘92 KDX200 today! Oh man, it was so sweet! I love this bike!
It seems to have all the power I need and I weigh 250lbs. The power this bike has totally surprised me, I went almost everywhere my buddy on his 2000 CR500 went. We rode roads, tight woods trails and hill climbs for nearly 4 hours straight. I did not expect it to have the bottom end like it does. You can motor your way up a hill or go wide open, it’s awesome! I’m so happy!

Only problem I had was when I got home It felt like the front wheel bearing was going out, I could hear a clicking sound. Turned out to be the smaller brake pad on the front fell off! ?? Maybe I did not have it all the way on ? I dunno??

How do you get the brake cylinder to go back in so you can slide the disc between the pads. I need to figure that out when I find some new pads tomorrow(crossing my fingers) Last time I did it I disconnected the brake line?



Oct 29, 2002
First, don't touch the brake lever after you pull the pads (not that I have any 1st hand experience or anything). If you do, take a large screwdriver and place it between the pots in the caliper. Pry very gently(**edit** twist the screw driver to spread the pots **edit**) and they should open up. You're just pushing the brake fluid back up the line to the resevoir at the lever. If you have to remove the wheel for something else in the future, try putting a wood shim in there to keep them from closing accidently.
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Dec 10, 2002
I sprung the $7 for a caliper spreader when i did the brakes on my gf's quad it's a lot easier if you aer willing to spring the $7


Aug 27, 2002
A "C"-Clamp will do the job. I have done many brake jobs on cars and bikes. (Just did my rear KDX pads last weekend.) Open up the clamp so the pad and caliper fit in the clamp then screw the clamp shut until the piston is flush with the caliper. If that does not work, use your teeth. Works for me.


Aug 11, 2002
I would not recommend using your teeth! This could cause injury to
the shiny finish on the brake housing! Be sure to put a piece of old inner tube in your mouth first.

Or you could use a "C" clamp.


Mar 21, 2003
I have found that if you loosen the bleeder and hit the piston with a punch/and soft blow hammer will seriously cover the dog in brake fluid. Hey it was stuck! C-clamp works just fine.


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
I got it ! thanks everyone!
I just needed rerassurance that it would go back in... I just placed both thumbs on the piston and squeezed like I was cracking a big walnut! Gonna go riding tomorrow, can't wait!

Oh, I almost forgot... when I stop the motor, gas runs out one of the hoses on the carb until I turn off the gas ?? This does not seem to happen if I just turn on the gas without starting the motor



Oct 29, 2002
sounds like your float is sticking. Take your Carb apart and clean it. In some cases a sticking float can make you think your jetting is too rich.


Mar 13, 2003
Wibby, ur riding a kdx200, weighing in at 250lbs? Sounds too good to be true for us overweight folk! What mods have u done to make it rideable? U ever tried to climb steep hills? Does the suspension bottom out?

I weigh in at 245lbs myself, and I have been considering a kdx200 or 250... I must admit I have been having second thoughts, due to my weight. Was thinking maybe a "bigger" bike would carry me thru a lot easier. eg. XR400.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
Yup, +250lbs
Only mod is a FMF Gold Series Fatty (w/3 nice dents) and it has a 110/100 Dunlop ( I hear they are crappy) and I still have the airbox lid on it, I don’t see any reason to remove it... the bike has plenty of power. Some times it even catches me off guard and just about gave me whiplash!
It climbs great, I went everywhere my buddy’s CR500 went. I can either go in 2nd gear and lug it up the hill or drop into 1st and power myself up the hills, but even in 2nd gear when it is lugging I can open her up with out it bogging down. The bike has plenty of low end power for a smaller 2 stroke, you’d be very surprised!! The suspenders are a little soft, but then again I’ve never had a bike with this much travel ( my last bike was a ‘73 Yamaha 100 Enduro)

I did a lot of research on the KDX200 before I bid on this one, everyone seems to like ‘em. They seem to be very dependable. And they are a lot lighter than a big thumper would be.

I was reading some older posts and I was very relieved to hear that when idling that rattling noise is normal (power-valve) So don’t be alarmed if you hear it.



Sep 29, 2002
I too have a 92kdx. its now at 1800 miles. i realize that is not a lot, especially since I finially put the first replace ment tire on the rear<G>. I did however over the winter put a p.c. pipe on and a 48 tooth rear gear. that made night and day difference. My point is that this is and still is a very good bike. especially for riding woods and recreation riding. The only part that has broke was my on / off light switch in 13 years. this bike would probably last another 13 years but I think CA will make me retire it soon. Good luck.


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