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Jan 25, 2007
hey guys i made a big mistake i took my xr70 carb apart to get it to idle and i think i messed it up it will not run any more when i hit the throttle with the choke down it will not run it jus boggs, so please i need help to get my bike running again all of the carb adjustments from air and fuel, idle screw, and both of the screws in the float bowl. :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:


May 10, 2007
Hmmm, my post disappeared. Look in your manual, it will tell you.


Mar 25, 2007
buy a clymer manual for your bike, i think mine was only 40$ so it should be less in the states.


May 10, 2007
Unless someone has the exact same bike as you and has purchased a manual for themselves, you can't expect them to know how to set your carb for you. When you get it figured out, turn the air screw in and count the number of turns. WRITE IT DOWN so you can at least start somewhere close next time.

Generally your fuel screw should be between 1 and 2.5 turns out. For the idle, look in the end of the carb and back it off until the slide bottoms out. Then turn it back in a half turn. If it still wont idle, go another half turn and so on. Once you get an idle, RIDE the bike until its warm(it may run like ****). Do not just rev it in the garage. Once it's warm turn the fuel screw in until it starts to idle rough. Immediately back it out half to one turn. You may need to adjust the idle afterward. YOU STILL NEED A MANUAL!
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