I need a Good Pair of Boots


Aug 5, 2001
I need a good pair of boots. I have been riding around on my brothers 02 YZ 125 with just my sneakers, but this weekend I am going to get a 02 YZ 250 so I want to get all the gear I need aswell. I have already decided on everything else but I am kind of stuck on what boots to get. Im am looking for something that is not too stiff and will be nice and soft after broken in, but I also want something that provides good protection too. After reading The DRN Tested section on boots I kinda of like the Sidi Flex Force and the Oneal Hardware. What do you guys reconmend?


Oct 9, 2000
I just got these boots and I dont know how I ever rode without them. THey are supercomfortable, fit my chicken legs, have almost infinate adjustment and have amazing protection.


Sep 17, 2001
Mark one more down for Sidi. I love mine, but it is about time for a new pair. You can bet your butt that I will be getting another pair. Mine are overall in great shape, but I just got back into riding and during my absence, the inner shin padding has started to dry rot or something. they just sat in a damp basememt for three years. But during their initial three years of use, they were awesome.


Sponsoring Member
Apr 18, 2000
I have had nothing but problems with my Sidi boots ,lost straps and the plastic pivots going south. Also getting replacement parts seems pretty much impossible. After many calls and e-mails to motonation over the last 6 months I have yet to recieve any of the parts I needed and they pretty much have a "we could care less attitude "when you call them with a problem or need parts. Get some Tech 8 or Tech 6 boots at least AS stands behind there boots.


Oct 9, 2000
Ummm, if you replace the pivots with the provided parts and clean the boots every ride, they will last a long time. All the problems I have seen with these boots wre maitanence related!


Aug 5, 2001
You guys with the Sidi Flex Forces, How long did it take for you to get used to them? Do you have any complaints?


Oct 9, 2000
I had no break in time or getting used to time. They are so comfortable that you forget they are on your feet!!
They are comfy, protective and I love them. They only complaint I have is getting white! It melts on my pipe and the insides are dark in color.


Jul 5, 2001
I am still fiddlying with the buckles trying to get the best setting but I have only rode with them for about a hour so about one more and I will have them fitted perfectly.;) I have the white and the do scuff easy, but o well.Fit great,adjustability is so easy and feel so good.:eek: :)
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Aug 5, 2001
Ok, I now know that I definitely want the Sidi Flex Force boots. But now I can't really decide on which version to get "Regular" or "SRS".


Jul 5, 2001
I got the regular because I do not race yet.Also the regular soles are not as stiff as the SRS supposively.;)


Oct 9, 2000
Get the stiff soles. I will never go back to the soft that I had on my alps.
I overshot an 80 foot table and landed 20 feet into the flat.
People said they thought I broke my ankles but in reality i felt nothing in my feet or legs. That is pretty good evidence if you ask me!


Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
I've got the Sidi SRS Flex Force and ride 90% trails. I've hit everything you could hit in the woods, and no damage to the boots or foot, yet (knock on wood:confused: . I've never owned a more comfortable boot than these. I've probably put around 200 miles or more on these boots and the soles are in great shape. And when I'm standing or putting pressure on the pegs it feels like my foot is part of the peg (almost feels like the soles are embeded in the peg:eek: ) but doesn't feel like they are sticking or stuck to the peg when I need to take my foot off. It sounds weird, but that's what it feels like. But you will have to do more maint. to these boots than you would with others (but if you want the best, it's not really a problem in my opinion). Blow out excess water from the buckles and pivot points and lube them after every ride and they are good to go:D The only boots to have IMO.;)


Aug 5, 2001
Those of you with the "SRS", from the reviews they say that it is hard to feel the foot pegs and brake pedal because the sole is stiff. Does this go away after time or do you just have to get used to it?
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Oct 9, 2000
I dougt you will have a problem with "feeling" the brake and the pegs. I doubt in anything other than a tennis shoe you can conciously feel the pegs or the brake/shifter. I had absolutely no getting used to time with these boots coming from WELL broken it tech 5's.
To whomever wanted to know about the GP's, I believe they are a very soft boot all around. More forgiving in terms of flexibility but they give up alot in terms of ankle and foot protection. I really dont know though. Maybe Rich will chime in, I believe he uses them. ;)


Jul 21, 1999
Originally posted by Jusitns-MR2
Those of you with the "SRS", from the reviews they say that it is hard to feel the foot pegs and brake pedal because the sole is stiff. Does this go away after time or do you just have to get used to it?

I have the SRS and I didn't and don't notice any difference in feel for the controls between those and my 2 pairs of tech 8's. I do not find them overly stiff at all but the soles sure wear a LOT better than the 8's do.


Mar 7, 2001
I have heard that the HiPoint boots last forever and that they are very comfortable. That was one persons opinion anyway.


Jun 25, 1999
I purchased the Sidi Flex with the removable sole 3 months ago. My intial reaction was that they required considerable break in time. I came from some 4 year old Tech-7's that required little or no initial break in, but these new boots took about 8 rides to start breaking in. I do have a little trouble in feeling the brake side lever, but have adapted my riding style and ended up using my whole leg to brake instead of pivoting off of the footpeg. A few weeks ago, I was about ready to give up on the boots and even let some friends ride with them to see if they were interested. The typical happenstance was that they would stall their bike due to dragging the brake into the corner. Over Thanksgiving, I rode about 7-8 hours and was able to finally get comfortable with the boots and can actually start appreciating them more. I did hit a stump with the front of my toe and didnt feel a thing. Protection is waaaay up there. I think that now that they are getting broken in, I will like them a bunch. To summarize, mine seemed to require more break in time, but are worth the patience in doing so.


Oct 9, 2000
According to Gary Semics in the MX couse that I took, you are supposed to use your whole leg to brake while sitting, so the tech 7's you had were just super flexible.
The only other gripe that I have is that they squeak like ski boots when walking. Kindof annoying.
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