
Jul 21, 1999
Originally posted by KawieKX125
According to Gary Semics in the MX couse that I took, you are supposed to use your whole leg to brake while sitting, so the tech 7's you had were just super flexible.
The only other gripe that I have is that they squeak like ski boots when walking. Kindof annoying.

Good points. I just kind of naturally migrated to foot off the peg braking as I got faster so I was already doing that before I got the Sidi's. The hinge area does squeek. You will not sneak up on anyone with these on. I heard recently that spraying chain lube on the pivot helps but I haven't tried it yet. They're a lot more water resistant then my 8's or forma's, too.

They do have a longer break in than the other boots I've tried, too.


Nov 17, 2000
I got a pair of new SIDI's this fall.(oct) first time I got on the bike with them, I was really screwed up. Sat higher on the pegs, harder to feel the controls etc, etc.
I got use to all that pretty quick. Also the boots are very comfortable(except for the squeek).;)
I still don't like putting them on. pain in the but over my old boots. I was going to buy Gearnes but got these instead. I wish I would of bought the Gearnes. Just personal opinion!


Jul 11, 2001
I didn't like the SIDIs for about five rides--felt clumsy, couldn't feel the brake pedal, and they were so stiff I couldn't flex my ankles while sitting down. But they earned their keep last ride, when I let my left foot hang too far down and caught it between a rock and the peg. It really hurt, and if I had been wearing any other boot, I'd have broken my foot, I'm sure. As it was, I got away with nothing but a bruise. So I'm sold on the SIDIs. Once broken in, they are comfortable, flexible, and absolutely the best armor for your foot on the market.


Oct 9, 2000
Another minor pet peeve with the sidis, the buckles refuse to kee their adjustment and if they did, I still have to "walk" the setting tighter like in a ski boot. Just one of the tradeoffs for good protection and comfort.


Jan 6, 2002
I'm going back to the AXO RC5's. Axo's are just as tough and protective as the SIDI's and they are a step in, buckle and ride boot. I'm wearing the Sidi Flex Force boot now and think I'll ebay them. I'm tired of having to readjust the buckles, they squeak like crazy and the calves won't adjust out enough to be comfortable. They're tough, but they don't have anything on the RC5's when it comes to protection and comfort. And, you can buy them for half the price of the SIDI.

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