I think I flooded the carbuerator!!


Oct 3, 2007
I have a 2006 KX250 2 stroke. I bought her brand new a few weeks ago. I broke her in and probably have around 4hrs on her so far.

Anyhow, I started her up today and she seemed already nice and hot. I took the choke off and warmed her up for about a minute. Then I put her in gear and took off. After about 20 seconds of riding her, she felt like she was losing power so I gave it more gas. There was no response so I gave it even more gas and then she slowly lost power with no response until she turned off. I tried to start her but there was a goggly sound like there was gas in the carb. I turned the fuel to off. I flushed out the gas from the carb through the drain. Tightened up that bolt and then turned the gas back on. I tried starting her but she still made that goggly sound like she was still flooded. Kickstarted her a few more times to see if I could clear the gas out of the carb or wherever it was but to no avail. I drained her again and tried again, no luck. So then I took out the spark plug and made sure it was dry by blowing the heck on it. Put her back in and still the same goggling noise like she's flooded. Any ideas? I'm gonna try starting her tomorrow morning, hopefully the flooded area will dry out.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Generally the carb should be full of gas, it's how they work.

That shutting off the petcock and draining operation was just a waste of time.

You just fouled the plud, as they said above. It happens. Replace and ride.


Oct 8, 2007
yea as said before, ive never heard of someone flooding there bike while it was running. you turned the choke off all the way right? out of curiosity(sp) how old was the gas and pre mix you used? try a new plug. go over your manual, make sure its the right plug. did you smell gas when there occured? are you sure it didnt die from another reason, then you started kicking it over, then it flooded?


Oct 3, 2007
is it better to get the standard spark plug or one with 4 points instead of 1? Also, what about getting the spark plugs that make it run cooler and hotter? Is it better to get the spark plug that makes it run cooler so it won't overheat as fast?

Also, is there a way to tell if my spark plug is fouled by just looking at it? If so , what do I look for?
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Oct 3, 2007
That was a great post. So 32:1 is richer than 40:1. I'd rather run it richer at 32:1 to make my plugs last longer. I don't race at all, I just use this bike for trail riding. As for the optional plugs in the manual for hotter or colder temps, that's mainly for extreme weather conditions right? Also, I've heard that the newer kx250s, like my 2006 are meant to be run lean as in 40:1. In either case, I'd rather just run mine rich at 32:1. So at 32:1 on a 5 gallon tank it's 20 ounces of oil right?

Each gallon is 128 ounces. So 5 gallons X 128 ounces =640 ounces
640 ounces divided by 32 is 20 ounces. Did I figure this correctly?

One more thing, how do I remove the cap off the top of the spark plug? Cause I unscrew and screw the plug in and out with it on and it's a pain in the ass with the cap on it. I tried pulling off from the plug but it won't budge. I wish the mini manual(manual that came with the bike, not a full service manual) was more specific on how to remove the spark plug cap.

Also, I got my airscrew about 1 1/2 turns out and tom I'm going to get a BR8ECMVX plug, which is stated as the standard plug for my bike. How do I tell if this plug is resistant? I'm also wondering why my plug fouled, especially since it's brand new. Should I make the air screw richer or leaner by 1/4 turn? When it's richer, does that mean there's more air/fuel or more fuel/air?

Also, if my bike falls to its side, will the carb flood? Cause one time it fell to the right and it seemed like the carb flooded cause it wouldn't start. I drained the carb and then it worked. Does it matter at all which side it falls? Like if it falls to the left, will it still flood? Also, I have a 2004 kx250f and it never floods the carb whenever I lay it down on its side.
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Oct 30, 2007
wow, a lot of questions in that post. 'll see what i can do.

i mix 40:1 amsoil, i don't really think with a modern oil, in a modern 2-stroke it makes much of a difference. i mix 40:1 strictly because 5 gallons of gas mixed 40:1 is half a bottle of oil. this way you don't have bottles with 4oz in them sitting around. the "R" in the spark plug stands for resistor. as for hotter and cooler plugs. if you puts around a lot on trails it may be beneficial to run a little hotter plug. if you keep it in the powerband, run the recommended. the spark plug cap should just pull off, some are on there tight. but a good pull should take it off. twist it slightly as you pull up. the further out you screw your air screw the more air you let into the mixture. if your rich you bring out the air screw more. the term flooding refers to the combustion chamber its self flooding. if your bike fell on its side, and fuel some how got into the engine it would flood. your carb cannot flood. its made to be flooded with fuel thats how it works. if the fuel level is too high it spills out the overflows. flooding an engine occurs when you get too much fuel in the engine and you cannot get ignition because its oxygen starved. the simplest way to fix a flooded engine, if you flood it starting it just to hold the throttle wide open for a bit. this lets in some air and helps with the flooding. a properly jetted engine will not flood while its running. its possible your main is very rich and your getting too much fuel in and fowling the plug. buy a new plug see if it starts then, and if it still wont run past 1/2 throttle go down a couple sizes on your main jet. see if that makes it better or worse. and just use normal spark plugs. honestly i dont understand these special plugs. you have an atmosphere with the perfect mixture of oxygen and fuel, then you introduce a 1000 degree spark. do you really think it matters if it comes from 4 points at once?


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Basic things you should NOT worry or figure about. The premix ratio is there for a reason, it is not your enemy, it does not require messing with. Your sparkplug usually is another thing that is there for a reason and not your enemy. Jetting is what you need to develop, figure, and stay on top of, or you are going to buy a lot of spark plugs! In that little pamphlet they gave you it should have maintenance schedules, if you follow them it will last forever, hopefully! Learn your bike, read your plugs and jet your bike. Most of the time they come rich on bottom from the factory. But it will foul plugs. 4 hours it should be broke in and depending where you live adjust the carb to run crisp, you will no longer be fouling plugs. If all else fails take quality pictures and links of issues.


Oct 3, 2007
Replaced the plug and now it works fine. That was so easy hehe. I used a BR8EIX cause they didn't have the standard plug BR8ECMVX, but I ordered a BR8ECMVX for later. The guy at the store was telling me that once I get that BR8ECMVX to buy a cheap non resistant plug to use for warming up the bike, then to use the standard BR8ECMVX to use once it's warmed up.

Also, if I wanna see what my plug looks inside the shell and I don't wanna buy a plug viewer, I have to cut the metal shell off right? Is there any other way?
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