
Oct 19, 2006
But it's so expensive to enter a race. First, you have to buy AMA membership, pay a bunch of fees, pay some more fees, buy some more memberships, etc... It's close to $200 to enter your first endure/hare scramble. Does anybody know of any endure/scramble events that aren't outrageously expensive for the first timer? You know, like a $25 entry fee and no other required memberships? I'm in the California, I would prefer events close to the bay area.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Gm,I hope this means your bike is in race condition,congratulations!Cali has more non ama races than I can shake a stick at,check it out.Then there is the baja and some race in north Texas,Bulcher maybe!Good luck and a race report will be expected!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
you don't necessarily have to do an AMA race. There's "outlaw" tracks and events all over the place.

I've never been a member, but I've raced several one-off hare scrambles up here in N. Idaho and E. Washington.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
It was my understanding that the AMA was pretty much non existent in CA so you should be able to find an event that doesn't require that membership.


Mar 26, 2007
If you really take a look at the different types of motorized racing available to people dirt bike racing is just about as cheap as it gets.

I agree that it is still expensive, but it is nothing compared what the street bike racer guys pay.

$400 for tires, probably good for 1 weekend of racing.

Wipe out in turn 1? Thats 600-1000 bucks for new parts you just broke.

The AMA license is $50 and good for a year. I didn't buy a district membership, so I just buy a 1 day pass for $10 each time I race. Gate fees are $5 , entry fee is $35. Lets say I do 5 races this year. Thats $60 a race.

I easily spend $60 on the weekend when I at home sitting around, between beer, going to the bar, movies, etc.

Everyone has a different budget, so I understand where your coming from.


Oct 19, 2006
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
Gm,I hope this means your bike is in race condition,congratulations!

So, my tires have a little less knob than everybody else. The rest of the bike is ready to go. I just put new brake pads in and repaired all of the grooves in the pins, the bike is good to go.


Oct 19, 2006
Their prices are pretty comperable to what most of the walk-in shops charge. Dunlops are usually $69 for a rear and $55 for a front. I just pull used ones out of the pile in back, though. The trouble is, good 18 inchers are getting harder and harder to find. I'm almost tempted to build a 19 inch rear wheel for my bike.


Oct 19, 2006
I almost bought spokes from Buchannon when I broke my rim, but then I found out about Service Honda. After spending $120 to relace the rim, I think I'll wait on the 19 for just a little while.

So, looking at some entry forms, they have a pre-entry and post-entry fee. Do you pay both? One event I am looking at lists the drawing date as being today, but it says pre-entries closes on the first of June. Do I pay the pre-entry fee if I register before the first or the post entry if I register after? You can register after the drawing date? I I joined up with the AMA, how long does it take to get my card? I really suck at filling out forms, I just want to race.

I had better repack my silencer, that 96 dB might be hard to meet with an old bike. I'll ask a ranger for a sound test next trip to the OHV park.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
If you enter ahead of time then its cheaper and a better chance of getting a spot. You should not have to pay twice,unless you do not have receipts! Stupid ama takes for ever,sorry there is no better alternatives, there is always that last man standing thing,plenty of time to get in shape,good race for 2t's.At least 6 weeks on the card.Around these parts,just take a bag of money and get everything at the track,go early.Or do it online and print all your confirmations,and do not lose them!


Oct 19, 2006
I just realized enduro/scrambles season is almost over here and I would like to get atleast one run in. There is a local track doing a TT race here. Maybe I should do that and get everything squared away first.


Oct 19, 2006
What is the gas situation usually like during an enduro? One event is 90 miles. I would probably have to gas up twice during the event, if I were conservative with fuel.


Mar 26, 2007
I would start with a hare scramble first, more fun less pressure.

For the enduro your going to have to keep track of time and all kinds of other things as you ride. It's not hard if you have a $300 computer to do it, but if you don't it gets to be a PITA.

If you do enter an enduro, just e-mail or call the promoter and ask them how they are handling the gas situation.

And one thing I learned very quickly; Everyone at the track on race day would have no problem helping you out. Make sure to park next to someone who looks like they know what they are doing. Walk over and ask him questions, tell him it's your first time. My first couple of races I just watched what everyone else was doing, when they started gearing up, I did, etc.

Don't be afraid to ask people questions, it will make it a lot easier.

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