Ideas for Asterisk?


Mar 20, 2000
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas for somthing to go on the side of the braces to help minimize graphic and pant wear? I've had these for a few months now and really like them. I won't ride without them, but they do scrape up the tank graphics a little. It's not too big of deal but I thought someone may have retrofitted something to help. Any ideas?


Dec 31, 1969
Ya know, some of my MX pants are a problem like that, some aren't. My No Fear for example eat up graphics and my Thor don't. If there is a seam when the pants touch the graphics or some rough grippy material sewn in there, probably out of luck.

Anyway, try some velcro strips/patches stuck to the inside of the braces, use just the soft part (LOL). Don't know how long it will stay on, but it'd be cheap to replace.


Mar 20, 2000
That's exactly the case with me. With the Fox 360Ms, it's pretty rough on the tank. But with the Thor's or Shift's, it's not bad. The Fox pants have that heavy duty, rough patch there, the others don't. I guess I should have bought the new Thor Core pants, as they have the real leather patch there and it would probably help.

Good idea about the velcro. I'll see what I can come up with. I also thought about the foam weatherstripping with the adhesive on one side but didn't want it to make a mess if I had to take it off to remove the little side caps.
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