
Mar 8, 2004
my friend went through jetted my bike and set float-plug looks good and bike rides real sweet-when i stop and let it idle, it idles like it is running out of gas-my friend said he set the flooat high-and yes b4 he worked on it, it did the same thing-r there any suggestions
Feb 28, 2004
Cant you just turn in the idle screw until you get it where you want it to idle? Isnt that what the idle screw is for? Sorry if this info is totally wrong, Im just asuming an idle screw is for adjusting the idle. Mike :ride:


Mar 8, 2004
it is on the choke-it will idle to the moon if i want it to-it will just sound like it is running out of gas, like the float is set too low-but it ain't, it is set high-i did some messing with the needle, put a richer pilot in it-plug still looks good but it still idles weird-i am goin to do some more messing with it tomorrow maybe-


Jun 22, 2004
souphmars said:
98yz250-tried the air screw-did not work

"..did not work..." ?? As in had NO effect at all? If that is the case something upstream of the screw is plugged(air bleed, pasage above the pilot) or the pilot is drastically wrong.


Mar 8, 2004
if the pilot is so wrong wouldn't the plug show the effects of a wrong pilot-does it even really matter how it idles-i have been told that they r not suppose to idle nyways


Jun 22, 2004
souphmars said:
if the pilot is so wrong wouldn't the plug show the effects of a wrong pilot-does it even really matter how it idles-i have been told that they r not suppose to idle nyways

The plug will only show the pilot's effect if you ONLY idle the engine and then check the plug. To do that right, you would have to start it, get it hot and then put a NEW plug in and start it and ONLY let it idle.

That 'not supposed to idle' crap is just that, crap, usually stated by people with low standards/not enough experience.

If you have a highly modded engine, used in very specific application, like drag racing, or hot saw comp, idle isn't important.

On a dirt bike, even a racing dirtbike, having the pilot CORRECT will pay off in driveability off the bottom end of the powerband, or in times when you have to be off throttle to set up for something else ahead.

Look at it like this, your running along hard, you chop the throttle maybe to compression brake into a downhill turn, do you realy want a fat pilot puking fuel onto the plug, wetting it down so that the plug has to reheat itself when you DO get back on the gas? keep in mind that it won't be ABLE to pull as hard as it could with a dry clean plug.


Jul 6, 2004
Have you checked for air leaks yet by spraying carb or brake cleaner arond the carb reed block etc. also think of when people talk about things such as filter oil plugging the air passages on the front of the carb. dont rule out things such as a crank seal starting to or slightly leaking.


Jul 6, 2004
reelrazor is correct in his info. lets put it verry simple. assuming that there are no air leaks (making it run lean) your problem is in the idle circut consisting of the pilot jet, air screw, choke, float level, and the air bleeds associated with the idle circut in the front of the carb. the needle and main jet have no affect at closed throttle.


Jul 2, 2004
My bikes idle way up when started cold, I don't know why,you can slow it down by pressing the kill switch on and off, if it does it when warm too, I would clean your carb out, a piece of something could be restricting the pilot circuit and leaning it out, good luck on fixing it, yamahonky
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