Ignoramous has question.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Okay guys, don't laugh. I'm getting back into this scene after around 15 years off (the length of my education after highschool :scream: ). When I got out of it, the YZ "monoshock" was NEW, and I was lucky if I could survive hitting a small pothole at speed on my old twin-shocked "house on wheels" RM370.:eek:

I bought a new KX500, and for obvious reasons, found the suspension UNREAL as compared to old. Unfortunately, I ride on a relatively hard surface, oftentimes with a 2 or so inch layer of large-rock type sand. Kind of analogous to a sand parking lot. The remainder of it thus far is spent on loose-dirt trails. I have very little material that I think the bike is set up for: grass/hard surface/desert, etc. I am 5'8" 165-170# (goes up to 190 with a few weeks off work:confused: ) Compounding this issue is the fact that the thing comes set up with a K695 rear, and a 490 front??? I think these are both hard terrain tires.

I can't tell you the first thing about compression/rebound and how to adjust a damn thing, but it "feels" like the low-speed compression is too high and/or rebound setting too high as well. Even with slow-speed turns, my front end tries to "push". Also--when riding across the "lot-like" area at say 60-80 mph wfo, my front end wobbles around almost uncontrollably. It's NOT headshake--it's more like the front tire is searching, which is very unnerving to say the least. I have no trouble on buffalo grass and the like--it's mostly in the loose dirt/sand. Even when I fly through a high-banked berm with a firm surface, the front end tries to push--even when I'm peg-dragging!:scream:

With jumps--suspension seems great. I have bottomed it out a few times, but didn't notice. Feels like I'm falling on a cushion of air. Of course, I have limited time on other newer bikes to compare.

Is this situation hopeless--"just" the KX500? "Get used to it"
I know there must be something to do with the susp.--maybe decrease both compression/rebound on the front??
I don't want to screw with this thing without asking for your opinions first. Thanks.


Jul 31, 2000
I am not going to be much help here, but check out Jeremy's site. He describes the above mentioned symptoms and how to adjust and correct them properly.
Personally I get the springs and valving that fits my weight and riding style and then just screw around with the clickers until I think I like it.
I have used Jeremy's guide and have been fairly successful with it (I think).

By the way, I like your choice of bike!


May 24, 2001

Get some new tires suitable for your terrain. While I can't tell you the best combo, my klx came with the tires that you mentioned, and they only worked well when the bike was tied down in my truck. The front much worse than the back. Finally put new tires on a couple of weeks ago, and it is literally like a different bike. Put a dunlop 756 up front, and a kenda 760 on the back (got it real cheap). Will probably go to the 756 on the rear as well. Don't know that these are the tires for your hardpack conditions, but know that the right tire makes a huge difference. You'll probably need a soft compound, which won't last long, but at least they'll stick. Then you can tell exactly what your suspension is doing, and start fine tuning.



Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Thanks guys. All has been done. I will experiment now.:)


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
the 695/490 set up is a good all-around combo. i don't think the tires are the problem. i've been using the 490 fronts for years and never felt the need to change. i much prefer the 756 rear over the 695. what pressure are you running in your tires? maybe that's the problem.

btw, since you live in sw kansas and have perhaps the ultimate dune bike, you will be invited on our next little sahara ride. go ahead and order your paddle tire now.


May 3, 2001
nephron...It also sounds as if your bike is not "balanced" or set-up correctly.
It sounds like there is not enough weight on your frt. end. Make sure your sag is right first. Aprrox. 4" of ride sag along with aprrox 25-30mm free sag.
Also you may want to raise your forks a little in the clamps. This will put weight on the frt. & it won't wander so bad and will also corner better.



Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Thanks guys.:) Now if I just had some time to make the changes.:silly:
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