I'll be away

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
Hey all... I'm going to try to come back once more before I go, but I'm off to Washougal. I'll be there till saturday qualifing and then off to Ponca City where we will be venending. Please if your at Washougal stop by and have a chat. I'll be with the PDS guys. Sunday John or main shop tech will hopefully qualify :)

I'm also rummored to be riding on Friday but well see if I can scrap the mud off my boots from Spodefest 00 in time..Speaking of MWSF, Can you beilve it's almost time! As a reminder get your DirtWeek entries in, you don't want to miss the suspension seminar do you?

If your going to Ponca stop by the Straightline Suspension MX-TECH spot on vendors row.. We'll be puting it to our budies! So maybe you can join in and help out. :p

Best Regards,
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