
Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I hate to hear you are having a period of bad luck.
I trust you have the altogether to make the better of it, rather than the worse.
So easy to do the latter. But you have complete control of how this whole thing will effect you.
It blows for sure...but such is life.
We see adversity all the time, some let it devestate them...others continue living and doing the best they can with what they got.
A truely good man cannot be made a bad man, unless of course he allows it so.

Sounds to me like she is being *%(tty. In that case you are never going to come out on top financially unless she lets you. States are simply too bias towards the female.

If there were things said in chambers that have hosed your position at all, which happens all the time, I would suggest that you ask the judge if he has a CASA group working in or around his court.

The CASA folks are advocates that work directly for a court. They will look into the whole matter, visiting you your wife, kids, schools, neighbors, doctors, inlaws, outlaws, or whomever they need to to get the whole unbiased picture of your situation.
These folks have signed court orders that the judges give them and they are the types to call up and tell you they are outside in your driveway, can they come in?
Usually these folks answer only to a judge and are not at all biased for one side or another. Too many times the best lawyer and the most money wins, no matter if it's the side that was best for the childs interests. The CASA system was designed specifically to keep that from happening. They truely can effect how the judges ruling comes down and how it's structured.

I got my two girls when I got divorced 20 years ago.
The only way I swung it was to convince their mother that it was best for all concerned if they stayed with me. Hollerin and yellin didn't go far at all. I had to use phsycology on the sorry hag...errr...their mother.
She wised up years later when one of her boyfriends told her to get the kids (and the child support of course). The lady judge was not impressed with her at that point, denied her request, and raised HER child support to me. (gotta love it)

My best to you and the kids, Jay.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
KiwiBird said:
Damn that sucks Jay, the money thing is numbers and can be dealt with but I feel for you on the custody issue. Get lots of exercise and sunlight as it's the medicine against depression. Minimise the desire to be a hermit. Do whatever it takes to keep riding. Keep talking and you'll get through it like so many of us here have.

Enjoy life - it's the best revenge you can have.

That is about the best advice I could ever give here. I'm, sorry to hear about the issue, Jay. :(


Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
I'm sorry to hear that brother. :(


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I've been re-reading this and it still just blows me away Jay. I'm sorry to learn this and really hope you will recover quickly. I've known several friends that went through this in the past few years and they have all ended up in fine shape after a bit of not so great times. Let us know if there's something we can do to help out and know that there's plenty of guys here that can relate and help ya'.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Damn Jay! I missed this because I rarely come in here anymore.

However, I am very sorry you are going through this and that you are having the tough issue dealing with custody.

I am currently going through a divorce (married 8 years, together 13) so I can feel for you. I am fortunate we do not have kids involved but her parents and I are really close and they still call (her dad called last night) so that has been hard. Nothing compared to what you are going through though.

There are 5 stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance - not necessarily in that order or going just from one to the other, some happen at the same time) and I am not sure which one you are at but when you get to acceptance you will be better. The anger phase for me was worse than the depression... but that has slowly subsided.

Don't worry about the financial part. That will take care of itself in due time if you work on making the right decisions FOR YOURSELF and your children. I too, like the others, have had to make some really tough financial decisions but things will get better.

If there is anything I can do do not hesitate to contact me. My cell number is 864-561-9703 and I rarely sleep anymore.

Feel free to talk about it as much as you need too.

The hole is deep but like Thump said, there are others in the hole with you.



It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
Jay, God be with you bro. As a child of divorce, let me add this:
Always take the high road! My dad always tried to get back at my mom through us kids and we never forgot that. He was the one that cheated on my mom! Continue to be a good dad and it will payoff sooner or later!

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

There is not a lot that I can add except I understand the ache and frustration ... I lived it with my children after my divorce.

As others have said ... do not fight in front of the kids ... societies message to women and children is that men are the bullies of the world.

Love on your children daily, but never try and buy their love. In a way, it is a blessing in that they are with their mother. Always try and appear stable to them. Kids are not stupid, they will pick up on the differences between the two of you.

Pay your child support believing that you are supporting your children, nevermind what she does with the money. Belief is 90% of the battle.

Do not sell your bikes or gear in order to pay child support. They are a connection to your inner you ... maintain them with love, attention and respect. Ride when you can, dream when you can't.

I too have been in the hole and I filled it in one teaspoon at a time until I could reach the lip and pull myself out.

Best of luck brother.


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Tony said some good stuff. Sorry to hear about the situation you are in.
It will get better with time. Just know that you are powerless to change the past or control another person, but the upside is that your past will not determine your future!

Trust me - I have been divorced now for 5-6 years. I was married for 12 years with 3 kids before my wife decided she liked her boyfriend more than me. It hurt, but it didn't kill me. I got stronger. It has been a battle, but I am winning and getting stronger each and every day. You will too.

Stay focused on your kids and don't lose sight of who you are and the things you have in your life that bring you joy.

For me, during the crazy times, riding my bike was the only thing that ever made sense. I think it kept me out of prison. To paraphrase Chris Rock on O.J. Simpson "I don't condone what O.J. did, but I understand it!"

Best of luck to you brother.



Who me?
Feb 4, 2001
"Why can't we all get along?" Rodney King - probably written by some high priced lawyer payed for by Joe tax payer. That sucks Jay! If you need anything give me a ring.
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