Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Had to edit cause it was worse than it is now. :confused:

I went to Burleson, MX547's fav track :p , for my 1st anniversary of racing. I opted for the over 25 instead of 125 novice even though I knew I would be out powered on a 125.

There were 7 of us and I got an okay start against the 6 250's lined up next to me but they pulled me toward the end. As I hit the 1st turn I managed to get around a few but was cut off by one of the other riders and rather than run him over I stalled instead, I blame that on my new boots.

I actually was beginning to catch up for the 1st couple of laps after I finally got it started but for some reason I was having a harder than usual time making it around the track. I finished the race dead last which was disappointing since my last trip there I led the entire race before being passed in the last corner. After the race I pulled into my pit to make a sammich and watch the other races. I thought it best after lunch to cruise around and try to loosen up my new boots a bit. When I got on the bike I noticed the back end kind of wobbling around a bit. Upon further inspection I found one of my rear wheel bearings was gone. :ugg: I checked with all the vendors but no luck so I loaded up.

As I was pulling out I stopped to say bye to some friends a guy told me to get on his bike and race it. I mounted a bored out YZ125 and told them to hold the gate. The only bikes I've ever ridden have been my 2 KTM 125's so this was very awkward. I got a bad start but had no problems catching up by the 1st turn. As I nailed it down the next straight I new this bike wasn't stock, it stood straight up and ripped. Only problem I had was I didn't feel comfortable in the corners and couldn't hang. I finished last and came home discouraged and no longer a beginner.

I'm am glad I raced today, if I hadn't my bearings would have gone out on the 1st day of Dirt Week and that would've sucked! :whiner:
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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Timing is everything, or as they say every silver lining has a cloud! See ya in a week!

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I know that's right Tony!!! See ya there
btw, when are you leaving to go up?

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Monday AM as soon as I get loaded. The last stop will be to get couple of hundred pounds of block ice and then I am on the road.

I can't load up until Monday AM as I have a meeting in Breckenridge on Sunday afternoon ..... bet I wil be up loooooooong before dawn! :)

I saw that you and Tigger are in for 5 days, want to go up together?

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Sure. I am picking up Blackhawk468 in Denton at Gene's house (TX246) but not sure on the exact time yet. Guess we could stay in touch but I plan on leaving just after everyone one else has headed off to work. :thumb:

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I'll post in the DW forum to see if anyone else is heading up from our direction on Monday.

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