Incompetent, imbecilic morons....


Sep 19, 2003
That's the only combination of words I can use to describe the parts department of my local Kawasaki dealer.

I ordered a Kawasaki service manual for my 99 KDX220R on 1/16. I was told it'd be there by the end of next week. A week and a half later I called to see if my manual was in and was told it'd be another week. A week later I was given some story about how Kawa doesn't print the manuals, they contract to a private corp. When Kawa is out of them, like now, they have to get them printed. "Yeah, it typically takes a couple months to get a service manual from them."

Gritting my teeth I hung up the phone, posted here, then called a Kawa dealer in Bellevue, which is 1:15 away. The guy there said it sounded like BS, but that there was some sort of part number mix-up going on, so it may be true. I sighed and resigned myself to waiting.

Over the next few weeks I called a few more times. Funny enough, each time I had to remind him why I was calling and "Now, what kind of bike was that again?" that it's a 99 K-D-X-220 R. You'd think I would stand out after this time.

So a month ago I went in to see the parts guy, it was a different fella. I asked if my manual had come in and he said that he didn't have the manual, nor any record of the sale. I (FOOL!) didn't have a receipt. :| Anyway, he said he could give me my money back if I brought in the credit card statement showing what I paid. Fair enough, I'll be back. Well, it's a 20 minute drive from my house to there so I didn't make it back for 2 days. Still.... I walk in with my statement. This dude questions whether it was the charge I was pointing at or the charge below it. (which was for less) Now, if you glanced at the statement you could make the same mistake. Of course, you would then look a little closer and it would become clear. This was beyond this guy. He said I needed a better statement from my bank.

I smoked my tires leaving the lot I was so pissed. After calling the bank and finding out what it would cost I called the owner. I started in on him and he gave me the first helpful piece of information I'd had from this shop. "The parts guy you ordered from was fired because this sort of thing happened too many times. This new guy (the one I'd been dealing with for a month now) is great. All you need to do is get him the date of the purchase and the amount. He'll just get that info to our bookkeeper and she can have your refund to you within a couple days." I have him get the parts guy on the phone and told him the info.

***I'd like to take a moment to point out that this helpful info was NEVER given to me by the parts guy. Nope, the Owner had to do it. Dude had plenty of chances to do so, he just never did.***

3 days later I call back to check the status. Yeah... the book keeper quit. Now the parts guy is doing her work too. I, being a fairly forgiving guy, feel bad for the place and decide to give it a shot. I give him the information again and let him run with it. He tells me he'll call me later that day to give me the info.

For the first, AND ONLY time in this entire saga I get a phone call. He found the transaction, yes it was the amount I said. Do I want my refund in cash or to the credit card? I still feel bad for the business, plus I still want my DANG manual. So I ask him if he can just order the manual in. "Sure, no problem. What bike was it for again?" :think: KAY-DEE-EX-220-ARE! 1999! "Ok, I'll put in that order. It should be in either late this week or early next week." I give him my phone number again (just in case) and request that he call me when it does come in.

Next week on Wednesday I call to check on it. I have to tell him again what bike it's for. :| It's not in. "Ok, no biggie," I think to myself. I remind him to call me when it does come in. He tells me it could even come in today.

On Friday (yesterday) I call and remind him what bike I have, Glory BE! It's in! I cruise out there and pick it up, happy as a clam. I check to make sure there's a supplement. There is, it's 5 plain paper pages on top of the manual. I asked him, "This is the supplement?" He affirms that and I leave happy as a clam.

You should notice here that I did not say that I inspected the manual. *heavy foreshadowing*

So last night around 8pm I decide to go mess around with my pipe to cylinder junction. I walk in and whip out my trusty manual to make sure there's not going to be any surprises. First I take the 5 sheets of the supplement off the cover. I glanced at them. They looked odd.... but on the 3rd page was torque settings so I figured that must be the deal.......

Then I looked at the cover for the manual.

It was a manual, all right. But that's all it had in common with what I ordered.

It's a general bike manual from Kawasaki. It's instructions are on how to uncrate and put together any 1995 Kawasaki bike made. This is nowhere near as helpful as it sounds, plus my bike as a 1999. On paging through I found instructions on how to put side reflectors on the Canadian model KDX using the provided bolts, for example.

I was livid and, frankly, still am. Today I walked in and returned the incorrect "manual" and "supplement" for my money back. Unfortunately the owner wasn't standing in the front or I'd have given him a good solid run down on my experience. But at least I have my $40.


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Mar 5, 2004
Dealers are lame. Incompetent people that have no idea what they are doing work there, for the most part..........


Nov 24, 2001
I had a similar experience with my local Yammy dealer. They gave me the same story about manuals and reprints. I believe them. You think about it. How many different makes and models are out there, and how many people actually buy a factory manual? They would probably sit on the shelf as inventory forever. I was looking for one for a '86 BW200ES. Not a very popular bike, but had it in stock. P455 gave you a very good link. I got a factory manual from them for 2/3 of what the dealer quoted in under 7 days delivered to my door. You ought to check them out. Hope this helps.



Sep 19, 2003
I placed my order with them right after I got a reply that said they are worth buying from. I should be seeing my manual soon, which makes me a happy Dawg. It ended up costing another $10 due to shipping... but if I had done this originally I would've had a lot less headaches. I'd pay $10 for that any day.

Thanks for letting me vent, and thanks for the input!



Mar 3, 2003
You probably spent that in fuel and phone calls (I'm not rubbing it in). I'm just glad it turned out well in the end. I have also learnt (the hard way) that dealers suck rotten oily engine spooge!!! Die dealers DIE.....LOL

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I guess I'm lucky, my KTM dealer has a supercross team and almost always has every part I need in stock at the best price. Top that he's only 20 minutes from the house. Only bad part is during SX season they are on the road a lot on the weekends w/ no one to run the shop. I just have to plan ahead as much as possible. The Kaw/Honda/Suzuki dealer here is pretty good too, Tigger has a KX & we get a lot of parts there but they are a little more on the pricey side. In addition to them, there are 3 other motorcycle shops here which one is very good and reasonable but they have to order most parts. My town has a population of 100k. I don't think that's too bad for a town this size. :thumb:


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Some dealers have a passion for the sport and provide us with top-notch, professional servcie and care.
Others are nothing more than dollar hoors out for only a fast buck, and could care less about the sport...let alone the customer.

It's a shame that such places exist. You'd think that natural selection would eventually weed them out, but it never seems to happen that way.
The owners of these joints are the problems, no matter how much sweet talking they do, it's their fault.

If I were you, I'd send this rant to Kaw. Corporate. You actually might help this dealer find some motivation to do better, and actually help some other unsuspecting guy down the road.
Just in case Corp. doesn't take notice, send a copy of it to the owner and let him know that Corp. has been notified. If he's worth his weight in salt, he will do something to better things. Doubtful, but just maybe.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
hoors, LOL.

I feel your pain, Dawg, but I laugh so I won't cry. :laugh:


Feb 4, 2004
When I tried to get/order a manual from one of my local shops for my XR50, they quoted me a pretty high price. I said I could get the same manual on line for almost $10 less. They called Chilton and said that Chilton did not sell manual that cheap.

Another place said that they could only get me the actual Honda manual for something crazy like $45.00 and that Chilton didn't even make a XR50 manual.

I found it funny that I had a XR50 Chilton manual in under 2 weeks just as ordered online.


Feb 28, 2004
I agree with "P"... I get all my manuals from
great site has most if not all the manuals that you're looking for and then some.
Bring back that crap you got from the dealer and order the correct manual from these guys...probibly cheaper too! :thumb:


May 4, 2004
"parts guy/parts manager" is just another way of saying "burger flipper". They dont care if you want onions on your double meat, or Ti footpegs for your '2-0-0-3 H-O-N-D-A C-R 2-5-0. Dealers pay $6.00 an hour for someone to stand behind the counter and collect your money, just like burger king. Find yourself an indapendent shop that remembers your name after a few visits and you'll be a lot better off.


Oct 23, 2003
Yeah we have a really nice shop out here in NY. the macanic is my neighbor and makes copies of the manual any time i ask from your guys experence i feel really lucky.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Kawasaki corporate is no slouch. is the way to go for everything but parts, including manuals. And you can get the part number for any part on any bike and just give it to your dealer if need be. I get everything from there in 2 to 3 days.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any of the other manufacturers do this. So Dawg--you should have started with Kawasaki's home page, man. Good to hear everything worked out.


Dec 10, 2002
Dealers pull this unorganized crap all the time, and then wounder why they have problems selling thier overpriced stuff, and gettign repeat customers. A local KTM dealer here, has to special order sparkplugs... No joke.


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with Olympia(?). I can't say that I ever had to deal with them, but it sounds like I lucked out in that regard. As it's been said before, not ALL dealers are this way. The guys in Puyallup are pretty cool and a little closer to you than the Bellevue team (also a cool group of guys). I've ordered a few parts through Puyallup and always had good service. The only thing I would say with them is you still should call on the day they indicate the part will arrive... just incase. When I shopped there (a year and a half ago) it was a family run business and they are/were all into the sport on some level. Next time you need something and you have to order it through a dealer give Puyallup Powersports a try. They are on Meridian, under the convenience store at 15941 Meridian Street East (253) 864-0964. I hope you have better luck in the future.


Jan 17, 2001
Man, that experience is DEFINATELY Flame worthy


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
I'm hoping you took the time to read the manual, you never know when you are going to need to uncrate and assemble a 1995 Kawasaki.

BTW, how do you put side reflectors on the KDX?
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