Scotty and I are heading to Muenster Friday night or Saturday morning. I'm going to buy some electric socks today, and we're riding, cold or not. We'll be through the second gate somewhere near the meadow.
Banned for the antics of 617? Them's some seriously uptight folks over there. Even if one DEF rider complained, there is not a whole lot of punishment dished out by 617. Just a few one-liners with an emoticon at the end (who could that be, I wonder?).
I can't believe that I waded through like 50 pages of "it's your 300 that is messed up even though you are a better rider than me" or the SAMM thread just to read a couple of sentences from 617. It was worth it.
Very entertaining. And for the record, if I was banned for that, I would go on a rampage spoofing my own IP address, registering new accounts over and over, and posting like mad. It would be my new hobby.
lol you guys are lucky with just rain. We got snow and ice up our way. And it's FREEZING!!! I mean right down COLD!! Got like 20 something degrees today. This morning it was 7 degrees but was - 7 because of the ( wind , windsheild whatever they call it ) We have to wait til summer to ride : (
P.S. I'm in Missouri
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