
Jan 7, 2002
I just sold my 1999 Banshee to buy a bike, I'm 6'2" and just south of 200lbs. I've decided that I want to enter the bike world and was thinking a yz125 wouldbe a good place to start. I odnt want to buy a bike and ending up having too much for my skill. I want somethin to learn on, then eventually step up to a bigger bike!

Any help would be appreciated!!


Dec 30, 2001
to big

You are to big for a 125. I would recomend a 250 because they have more bottom end power which makes it easer to ride than a 125.


Sep 13, 2001
I'm 6ft, 185 and have ridden a 96 yz125. good bike but you do have to work it.

if you have good clutch and throttle control, most 250's would work fine. a 125 is lighter and feels lighter, but a 250 would give growing room. seat to peg to handle bar height is a factor for us taller people. I have friends who have started out on 250's. with proper instruction, they did fine. watch the bikes with sharp power curves, they develop power fast and can be a handfull. different pipes can help this.

just remember, good clutch and throttle control is a must and do NOT drop your shoulder as this causes you to grap too much throttle. have respect for the power and you will be ok.

I do not race, just play hard and am partial to YZ's. Some KX's and CR's have sharp power curves. YZ's tend to have more low end, but that differs from year to year. It would help if you had friends w/different bikes that you could try out. Just remember to pay for what you break. good luck.

93 WR 250

Honda Rippin'

Feb 19, 2001
"CR's have sharp power curves" Darn right they do! That's what I love about mine. But too much sharp power can send you off the deep end. A pipe can fix that problem is selected right.


Apr 24, 2001
A buddy of mine is selling his banshee and He loves my old 96 KDX 200 and my 250 EXC both are friendly and easy to ride the KTM is just a lot more bike, better motor and suspension. If you want a fun easy to ride bike you can't go wrong with either one.
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