I have had this bike for my son for 5 months and nothing but problems....... Bought it new, Right after warrenty went up problems, get hot shuts off, gets wet shuts off, Ride 5 hrs change rings ride 10 hrs chg piston, Everytime my son rides it i have to tear it down and and fix something. This bike hasn't changed in 20 yrs you think yamaha could fix a few of the bugs it has. How in the hell are you supposed to race a pw50 stock when the damn thing woun't make it around the track without having probs. Only way to get one to run decent is to mod the hell outta it then your gonna blow it up or melt it down. Just seems to me these bikes wear out way to fast when you put a decent rider on one. Not to mention the junk foot pegs, weak frames, 1 inch suspension travel , paper thin graphics that a water hose can blow off,and lack of a foot brake,(i have a bycycle that has better brakes)Yes i know its a starter bike but come on.. Is it just me or what?
Yes i am writing this after coming in from working on it for 4 hours to no avail.:mad:
Doohhh..!! this isn't the flame board:think Can u move this for me okie.?
Tired,mad,broke,and confused..