ISDE Team Riders


Sep 22, 2000
Just got an updated list for the ISDE teams. Looks like there are alot of changes from the preliminary list that came out about a month ago.


7/26: Updated US ISDE Team Announced
USA Trophy Team
Brian Garrahan
Patrick Garrahan
Nick Pearson
Russ Pearson
David Pearson
Fred Hoess

USA Junior Trophy Team
John Beal
Rob Zimmerman
Craig Wesner
Ben Hale

Senior Club Team
Randy Mastin
Alan Deyo
Jeff Fredette

Daytona Dirt Riders Women Club Team
Nicole Bradford
Suzy Moody
Amanda Mastin Club Team
Tim Stowe
Glenn Martinson
Brian Sperle

Merced Dirt Riders Club Team
Steve Silvestri
Ron Schmelzle
Kevin Bennett

Desert MC Club Team
Paul Krause
Jeremy Puma
Jonathan Seehorn

Three River Camp Club Team
Anthony Glasso
Russ Cherry
John Bennett

Salt Fork Dirt Riders Club Team
Tim Taber
Curt Wilcox
Dave Wolfe

Trail Riders of Houston Club Team
J.D. Hammock
Mark Faulk
Derek Steahly

Trailsman Motorcycle Club Team
Brian Bennett
John Yates
Bill Rush

Missouri Mudders Club Team
Luke McNeil
Steve Morefield
Todd Morain



Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Anyone know why Ambrosini is no longer on the Jr team??

I see Taber got added! COOL :)


Dec 21, 2000
Brian Garrahan
Patrick Garrahan
Nick Pearson
Russ Pearson
David Pearson
is it something in the blood??? i wanna be in that family :scream:


Apr 6, 2000
Probably didn't want to go... I know last year he could have went and then said "no". Who know's... only him, his dad, and Fredette! :)


Aug 2, 2000
Tim Taber is not going.

First they told him he was in, then several weeks later they said he wasn't, next they call him and say he can go but he has to decide in two hours. He told them to forget it for this year.

Now he is going to the Baja (sp) instead. A new adventure begins.:)

It's to bad they messed Taber up. He went for the first time last year and ended up about 60 th. in the 250 class while riding a 200. He had no idea of what to expect in Spain so with the experience of last year he probably would have done even better this year. He's one heck of a rider.

As usual, the whole selection process is very political. :(


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Originally posted by Baked
Probably didn't want to go... I know last year he could have went and then said "no". Who know's... only him, his dad, and Fredette! :)

Buy why do you LOI if you don't want to go? Of course I don't know the whole story.

Taber to Baja? cool! Talk about out of your element! No trees there!


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Off - Remember when I was telling you about a certain off-road rider who was unhappy with the AMA's involvement in the ISDE? I wonder why? :think

I see Wilcox is now going too. Curt has a lot of ISDE experience. I wonder if he's going to camp out on top of a container again this year?


Sep 22, 2000
Yeah, from what I can tell at least 5 or 6 riders who are going were on the orig alternate list. Taber was actually on that alternate list, so that probably explains why he got the run around. I am sure it is really hard to get committment from riders and the window of notice is so short i can understand. I also see how it would be hard for riders to do it on short notice too seeing that it is 10 grand and most of the riders that go have a regular job at home. Did not make sense to me why they had the qualifiers so late in the year and it was going to make it so stressful to get the group together.

Dunno about any changes on this list. Seems like it would be pretty firm since the container already left the states a few days ago.

I agree 100% about the AMA not being the best choice to run the ISDE team. I believe it would be better served if someone else headed up the team. I could go on and on with all of the problems I have heard about the AMA and the six days.



Aug 2, 2000
Taber was more than fast enough after the Ohio round and was told by the AMA that he did not have to go to Idaho for the second round, which he was prepared to do. He should not have even been on the alternate list because he was already qualified or so he was told.

That's where the problem is, the AMA said one thing and then did another.

Taber had everything setup to go even including a chase rider from this area who was willing to go and help out. When they then said he wasn't going he scrapped the plans. They can't turn around and call back a month later expecting a rider to give them what amounts to an immediate answer to an undertaking that big.

As enduro8 stated, it costs around $10,000 to go to 6 Days. Many good riders just can’t afford it even though they are quite often faster than the riders that do get to attend. Except for the Trophy team, I don’t believe that the riders get any money to help pay for the event from the AMA. (I don’t think the Trophy team gets much)


Sep 22, 2000
The AMA is dumb for telling anyone that they are for sure qualified after only 1 qualifier unless the guy was in the top 5 overall which assured that his points were exactly 1000 for a given day. Taber's points for Ohio were 1070.9200 and 1067.6400 for a total of 2138.5600 for his "best 2 days". What ended up happening is that more riders ended up getting between 2000 and his score of 2138.5600 at Idaho so it pushed him down into the alternate list.

If you check this page out you can see how it played out:
Damn they took the page down since yesterday. Good thing I printed out a copy.....

Anwyays, that is pretty much what happened. The AMA screwed up by telling him that he made it before the qualifier series was over. They should have told him to go to Idaho. I am not saying he is not a fast rider, but according to the way they do the points he was not close enough to the top to be above the alternate list.

After the Trophy, Jr Trophy, Seniors, and "top 2 from each class" it went
(the women was an extra 3 spots added, so nobody lost out)
2000.0000 Hoess
2000.0000 Schmelzle
2013.0566 Dahners
2017.1800 Cherry
2021.6496 Silvestri
2021.5765 Wesner
2030.5057 Stowe
2054.3500 Martinson
2068.5289 Sperle
2075.9878 Hale
2084.2832 Stavish
2084.5700 McNeil
2091.1300 Rush
2093.4100 Yates
2100.4400 J Bennett
2108.8900 Faulk
2114.2500 Morain
That is the end of the list that flat out made it
Then it went to alternate and Taber was 7th on the list.

Once all the shuffling and people that could not go happened, alot of the alternates ended up getting invited.



Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Originally posted by WoodsRider
Off - Remember when I was telling you about a certain off-road rider who was unhappy with the AMA's involvement in the ISDE? I wonder why? :think

Yea but..he is going :think


Aug 2, 2000
Enduro8, you are correct with your explanation. Taber was not denying what happened and would have gone to Idaho if he had not already been told that he had qualified.

It’s always a bad deal when you are told one thing and then another thing happens. :confused:


Sep 22, 2000
I always wondered why a certain ISDEer did his own hotel package a couple years back and he got a room for him and his girlfriend for $100 a night at the same hotel that the rest of the team was staying (set up by AMA) for $200 a night each! Meaning they paid $400 a night for the whole room.

I always wondered if the AMA was making money off our ISDE riders. I know I am never going to use AMA travel.



Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
It pertains more to issues like the ones posted above. They're heavily involved with the qualifier series, team selections and providing moral support at the ISDE. I don't know how much financial support is provided to each rider from the sale of shirts, stickers and donations.

Perhaps someone who's going or who has been can enlighten us spodes on the subject?


Sep 22, 2000
From the Letter of Intent:

If selected to represent the US team, I understand that I could be expected to bear ALL expenses connected with the trip and competition. That includes, but not limited to the following:

$2200-$2700 Complete Tour Package
$600 Entry Fees
$950 Team USA container use fee
$140 FIM Medical/Accident Insurance

This does not include bikes, etc. I know the AMA suggested that a rider would need to raise about 10 grand to pull it off.

I am not sure where all of the donations (club team name donors have to donate $500+), tshirts, etc. I know from talking to some riders that they do not get any check from the AMA directly. That does not mean that it does not go to pay for some other group stuff though.



Mar 7, 2001
I've heard the same stories over and over (and over........) regarding the ISDE teams and selection. The best riders don't always make the team. A few years ago the top 4-stroke rider (in the Reliability Enduro Series) was not selected for the trophy team because he didn't have manufacturers support. The rider thatwas selected for the big-bore 4-stroke class was very capable and a good choice for the team, but had no history with the machine that he had to race and keep together for six days. The AMA has a tough job of putting a team together out of a bunch of plumbers, electrician, truck drivers, etc. that are willing to pay money to miss lots of work qualifying and going to the ISDE. So often the best riders are broke (financially) from racing all the time (sponsors only help so much), and helping the riders go to the ISDE has little in financial rewards for sponsors. I love the ISDE and the 2-day enduro format, but sadly support for it in the US is nil.


Dec 4, 2000
E8,TM,Woodsrider,Layton. All good points and an excellent thread. The political side of ISDE mirrors the political side of everything else. The organizers and promoters have priorities that most of us don't even think about. TM's comment are right on the mark. I bought a few bikes from Taber off the internet, really nice guy and very helpful, too bad he got screwed. On a positive note, there are four Oregonian riders this year. The OMRA XC and ISDE series' are good training ground for the "real deal". Derek Steahly,Jeremy Puma, John Yates are on fire right now and very eager competitors. Bill Rush has been abroad a few times already. Expect good things from these guys. That's my 2 cents.
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