
Dec 31, 2005
I'm thinking of running the Idaho City 100 ISDE, but I really don't know much about that type of racing or the format, is there a place or person that can give a detailed description of this type of racing?


May 20, 2000
Idaho City is in the mountains just north of Boise. The terrain is steep and pretty rocky. Most years it's fairly dusty there and the trails have gotten somewhat beat over the last 10 years or so, lots of whoops/chop/rollers in the faster stuff. There are some really fun climbs and you reach pretty high elevations, be sure to jet for 3000 to 6000 feet. Some of the trails are quite technical, but most is more open and fast. The speed averages for the event are usually pretty easy to hit and have a couple minutes to spare at each check. For special tests the Boise Ridge Riders will have a couple terrain tests and one grass track each day. One terrain test will usually be primarly on old fire roads, the others on singletrack. They run the same course each day just reversing the direction on the second day. When it rains there it is slick, gumbo mud and it's hard to hit the checks on time.

The event is ISDE format. You don't need any time-keeping equipment. You just need to know what time you are due at each check and roll through the boards at the checks at your prescribed time. If you are late to a check, then you adjust each following check by that amount. i.e. if you are 4 minutes late to check 6, then you need to be 4 minutes later than your original schedule at checks 7 through the finish. Same adjustment if you are early to a check. Nobody except you can touch your motorcycle during the event, so you're on your own for all bike maintenance. You must impound your bike after tech inspection on Friday night and again at the end of the day on Saturday. You're given 10 minutes each day to complete any necessary maintenance There are full rules on the AMA website. You really need to have a pit crew at an ISDE qualifier. They can assist with gassing your bike at the gas checks, feed you food/water and hand you tools & parts during the maintenance period at the end of the day on Saturday/beginning of the day Sunday. Make certain you have a spare air filter element and that you change your oil after the first day, this place has a way or thrashing your clutch. Heavy duty tubes are a must for the rocks you will encounter at Idaho City.

Since you live in Boise, go to one of the local shops and ask around about the riding conditions up near Idaho City and get some opinions of the event. You can trail ride right out of town, too. So once the snow melts (usually early/mid-May) head up there and go for a ride, there's 200 miles or more of trails accessible from town.
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