Well said Cam. Control is the number one skill to learn. Jumping is one of the more fun aspects of riding, but you will have a lot more fun, if you first learn how to hold good corner speed, and keep your body in the right position. But till then, find a single, or small table top to learn on. These are the most forgiving jumps you will encounter in the sport. Keep your throttle steady as you approach the jump, and all through your take off. It is really easy for beginners to get in a habit of chopping the throttle as they go off of jumps, and it is really hard to break that habit. Keep your body centered on the bike, with you head located somewhere near centered over the handlebars. Bend your knees slightly, along with your elbows. Squeeze the bike with your legs, at first this may seem kind of odd, but once you learn, you will have much better control, and your arms won't get as tired. You can also experiment with grip tape on your frame, and side panels, to aid grip with your legs. Learn to work the handlebar controls (clutch and brake levers) and hold onto the bars independently.Try using you middle, index, or both fingers to operate the levers, while using the others to hold the handle bar. Learn to ride with your elbows high, and out away from your sides, while over gripping the throttle. You should grip the handle bars much the same way you hold a tennis racket, you should also be able to snap the throttle to the stops, without moving your elbow at all. Never allow yourself to coast, you should always be on the gas, or on the brakes, there is no in between, unless you are out of control. Just practice these skills, while keeping riding fun, and the rest will come with time. good luck :)