3 Gallons of chili simmerin' in the stove.
70 Brats snug in their package waiting to be grilled.
Half barrel of Bud Light on it's way.
Hope there's football on tomorrow.:p
If you guy's aren't doin' anything, stop on by....
Okie, you need to add 10-14 points for the Rams. 14 points for the Pats is about right - if the defense or special teams can score.
Honestly, I am hoping for a close game, but I expect by the second half I will be watching the game to watch the commercials. No more dotcoms - Please!
Okie, luck doesn't matter anymore, we're going to have a good party regardless. And if the Rams lose, Jeff Allen's comin' down our way next weekend for a couple of beers so who cares 'bout football anyway!!
Now, where's my Hot Damn and HP2?
:) :) :)
i'd be there too, but having a job...sucks! btw i kinda look at this game like the past ppv tyson fights i used to buy...just a lopsided beating ,over real quick......darn bears...look out in 02, the bears will be playing in champaign.see ya there.
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