Just wondereing


Jan 5, 2006
Hi to All! I'm a relatively new rider and just got a 1999 cr125 from wife for Christmas and was wondering if anyone could answer a few questions for me. First question relates to clutch operation. When I pull my clutch lever in and engage the bike in first gear the bike will begin to move forward (slowly) if I don't have my foot or other hand on brake. I'm assumung that the clutch is wore out and needs to be replaced? If this is the case is this a simple process that I could do with ease or does it require a shop? Also do I just purchase a clutch "kit" or do I need the kit and basket? Second question topic is the front sprocket seems to have an oil leak behind it, are these leaks repairable by just replacing the o-ring that is behind it? Once again is this a simple procedure that only requires removing the bolts and sprocket and replacing the o-ring or is more complex? Thanks in advance for any responses!


Sep 22, 2004
clutch - the lurch could be evidence of the clutch going - or the need for clutch cable adjusment (at the lever - there should be about the width of a Nickel free play before the lever 'engages')...as for the replacement - it depends on what the basket looks like - you need to drain the oil, pull the cover and inspect. Its not too difficult but if you've never done it, take it to a shop or find a rider who knows it.

oil seal - there is a seal that you can get to - usually there's an oil seal, a collar and an o-ring - you should replace the set - again not overly difficult if you've done it before but you can do some damage if done wrong.
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