KDX 200 SR, low idle\wandering idle


May 2, 2009
Hello, all , Have a 94 KDX200 SR model, installed a new carb, 28mm , now have the idle screw all the way to idle , also idles for 30 seconds than idle drops to the point of stalling ,
Have tried cleaning the tank, new gas , ( 40to 1 ) ratio , new plug , and new airfilter .
revs up nice , has nice smooth idle after reving it than just drops.
also checked for air leaks , found none
could it be the power valves ? cannot think of any else


Oct 27, 2008
have the idle screw all the way what??

sounds like you need to find air/fuel screw and start at 2 1/2 turns out your idle air circuit seems to be closed all the way IMO.

usually it is on the bottom of the carb just before the intake flange (but i don't know what carb you have.

Also in buying a new "universal carb" it may be quite a bit off as far as jetting and such

by the way you said 28mm???? as I know it the dirt modles normally come with 35mm and 36mm....Glad2ride???


Oct 28, 2008
I know the SR sported a smaller carb, but I do not know offhand how much smaller it was. 28mm sure does sound on the small side.

I'm going with SR5, either the air screw is too far in, or the pilot is too large. Try adjusting the air screw until you find the highest idle, and then set the idle properly with the idle screw.
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