kdx good for me?


Jul 26, 2002
hi i was wondering if you guys think a kdx (dont know which one 200/220) i have no riding exp. but wanted to getinto the sport im 14 5'10"-11" and weigh around 130 so please write back and tell me what you think of it being my started bike... thanks for your time.


Jul 26, 2002
ya i got a few though i havent talked to them much this summer ones got a yz426 and the others i dont know what they have school starts in about a month so if i dont have one by then ill ask them but most of em will proabably try to steer me away from kawasakis (i think there all die-hard yamaha riders) but if more of yall would post your opinions on me getting this bike it would be greatly appreciated. and why im interested in a bike hmm well to young for a car, parents are to paranoid if i went out and bought a street bike (even though my dad rode street and dirt bikes forabout 10 years) and theres no way in hell im gonna be caught ridin a atv so bsaically this is what is left in the category of things that have a engine and i dunno it just seems it'd be fun to ride


Jun 27, 2002
If you're going to do off-road riding, then the KDX 200 will do just fine. If you are going to ride moto-cross, you might consider a moto-cross bike. Although a KDX will jump, it doesn't have the suspension of a motocrosser. Talk to your Dad. With 10-yrs riding experience, he should be able to help you out more than you may think. Either way, if you're just starting out, make sure that you do not try to ride over your head and always wear your safety equipment. Take your time and learn how to ride. Ask your dad for riding advice, read riding and maintenance tips in magazines, ask a freind. Some of these magazines can be found on-line. Actually, slower is sometimes faster. Practicing a particular skill at slower speeds and then increasing your speed as your skill level progresses will make you a faster rider in the end. Also, dirt bikes are not toys. You can be seriously injured on them. So take your time and learn the sport of off-roading and don't let your freinds talk you into trying something that you may not be ready for. Be patient, and you will eventually be as fast or even faster than your freinds.


Jul 26, 2002
it looks like im gonna end up gettin a kdx but i have to ask is this something im gonna be bored with i know some of the otehr trail bikes ive heard people get bored with em once they learn all there skills and is this one of those bikes (from what ive heard i dont think so but im just making sure) also can you guys post some riding tips since its gonna be my first time ridin


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
Miles, I wouldn't worry about being bored on a KDX, unless like Greer stated above, you really want to ride MX not trails. Look at where you want to go with your riding and get the bike that suits you best. But in the long run if you do get bored on the KDX you could always work on your grammar and spelling. Good luck.
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Feb 10, 2002
You're about the same size as me (except I'm 15, and a little taller). I've got a 200 and am very happy with it. I don't get bored on it, and I don't think I will for awhile. In fact, I plan on keeping it once I finish building my other bike (KX250, it's in pices) for my friends to learn to ride on. Basicly what I'm trying to say is it's a great bike no matter what your skill level.


Aug 25, 2000
Originally posted by Miles
... ill ask them but most of em will proabably try to steer me away from kawasakis (i think there all die-hard yamaha riders)

Miles: Beware - your friends are delusional and easily pursuaded. I've come across these "Blue Fever" people before. You just need to stand your ground and take the insults (about the ugly green bike) thrown your way like a man. Get a KDX if you plan to do woods riding. Since you state that you have no riding experience you will find that this is an excellent bike to learn on. You will grow to love it. Outgrow it? that's a risk you may just have to take. :cool:


Jul 14, 2000
kdx's are awsome.. and it will take a long time to get tired of it. . . it is probably your best bet for a fun, fast trail bike... .


Jul 30, 2002
You can become bored on any bike through lack of interest, I doubt that you'll get bored just because you choose a KDX. It can grow easily with you through hopups and minor mods. I doubt Fredette is bored with his and look a his accomplishments.
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