kdx preformence questions


Aug 24, 2004
after a lot of thinking :bang: (i do that very seldomly) im starting to lean towards the kdx 200, because of its trail capabillity. but how would compare do a kx125? would the kdx be better for trails/dunes etc..


Aug 24, 2004
Yes, the KDX would be better for trails... as for dunes, I don't know, but I would lean towards the KX (for jumping and whatnot). I went from a KX125 to a KDX200. I ride exclusively trails.

While the 125 MX'ers are state of the art machines, and a lot of fun to play on, they have very noticeable compromises on the trail when compared to a bike designed for trail use (the same can be said in reverse about MX) and esspecially when compared to a bike like the KDX.

One issue is low end torque. The 125 MX'ers have markedly little, while the KDX pulls harder than a KX250 in the low R's (I know cause I just compared them last weekend). This comes in real handy on a technical climb. On my KX125 I screamed up the hills, on the KDX200 I ride up them fast. Both ways got me to the top, but the latter is much more in control and although it may not be faster, it is more sure that I will get there in one piece. There are other issues as well, such as suspension, frame geometry, etc... too many to really go into here.

The KDX is built for trails, the KX is built for MX, both are great machines, and either one can cross over into the others area, but they take compromises with them when they go.

Lastly, as if not to confuse the issue enough, you can convert one to the other with some modifications. Such as putting a KX fork on a KDX, or putting flywheel weights on the KX, or even hi-brid versions, such as KX chasis with KDX motor.

I would suggest getting the model that most suits your ridding tastes and modding it to be even better than getting the one that doesn't suit you as well and modding it to suit better.


Sep 12, 2004
The KDX may be better for trails, but most of them are air cooled, and a KX would be much better for the dunes, and unless your riding extremely slow a KX will do just fine in the trails.


Aug 24, 2004
j_2da_h said:
The KDX may be better for trails, but most of them are air cooled.

Well, you're obviously not very in tune with the KDX200's built since, hmmm, when was the last model year to be air cooled? Other than this, I agree with you.


Aug 24, 2004
95 precent of the time i ride trails but i might go for the occasional dune every now and then, also i just learned how to go off jumps (got about 2 feet of air) and was wondering how well the kdx would fair with that.

ps. i probly stick to the smaller jumps (4 feet of air and less)


Dec 30, 2003
j_2da_h said:
The KDX may be better for trails, but most of them are air cooled, and a KX would be much better for the dunes, and unless your riding extremely slow a KX will do just fine in the trails.


They have water cooled since 1989.

Anyway - out of the box, the KDX is a better trail machine hands down. The KX can be made into a very stable trail mount for riders under 150 pounds if you drop $1K into it. Then there is no comparrison. However - you can pick up a new KDX for $3500 - or a nice used one for around $2K. What will that KX set you back - around $5.5K?

If you are trailing - go with the KDX. For dunes - get that little screamer.


Aug 24, 2004
thanks for the help and im sure my dad will like the $2000 lower price tag.
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Sep 26, 2003
as for the jumping.... i have a 91' kdx 200 with stock suspension that hasnt been rebuilt in a while and it can still handle at least 5 feet of air if not more. I cant tell you an exact measure because i dont pay attention to my height while im jumping.


Aug 24, 2004
I knew he was gonna get a lot of grief about that statement.

I went light on his input, but make no mistake, if you want a trail machine from those two bikes, the KDX is the clear winner. The KX is, as he said, 'just fine', while the KDX is 'pretty sweet'. :)


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
RoostRider said:
I don't get that, but I don't watch T.V.- am I missing something?

CBS is trying to excuse the obvious fake document, forged with a dead officer's name, by interviewing the officer's secretary who said that while the document was indeed fake, the facts stated in the fake document reflected the officer's view and the facts at the time.
If that doesn't get the FCC to start to levy a fine or repremand.....hmmmm. Worse than Watergate, if the Democratic National Party is found to be behind it.
Clearly the signs of a desperate, biased press that has convinced it's own self that Bush has no serious competition come November.
Com'on Roost, we are at war, the nation is set to elect a new leader, the North Korean's are about to fire off a nuke, etc and you're not watching the news? Send me your address and I'll subscrib you to a newspaper.
I know, if the press is so biased, then why read or watch it? To keep up on what the enemy is up to. There's more than one way to inturpet the news.

RoostRider said:
I knew he was gonna get a lot of grief about that statement

P.S. You knew you were gonna get a lot of grief about that statement



Aug 24, 2004
lol, no, but I should have.

It's not that I'm against the T.V., it's that my T.V. sucks, cable is too expensive, and I have too many other things to do..... like hang around here... lol... I'm gonna go watch my one fuzzy channel now....


Oct 14, 1999
J-who: What do I need to put into the search field to get a hit on this thread if I want to find out about hi-jacking threads? ;)

trailboy125: Check this.. (CLICK HERE!) to read a good bit on the differences between the 200 and 125...which bike fits where and is suitable for what purpose.

It might look a bit familiar.......

Am I missing something? :bang:


Mr. Whorton: Aw c'mon! Your skin isn't THAT thin, is it?

And if it is, please accept my apology!! Really!!
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Jul 6, 2004
I learned to trail ride on an YZ-125 I just had it geared down a bit but I loved trail ridding with it. It could be very challenging at times but that is what I got my rush from. I went from the YZ to the KDX and couldn't believe how much I had to change my ridding style. The KDX has spoiled me on trails now I can sit on the seat most of the time and just blip right up stuff that I would have been challenged to do so with the YZ. Don't get me wrong though the YZ was allot of fun for me and sometimes I miss it because I would get the best work outs when I trail rode that bike.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
canyncarvr said:
J-who: What do I need to put into the search field to get a hit on this thread if I want to find out about hi-jacking threads? ;)

LMAO :eek: :laugh: :nener:
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