KDX Purchase


Mar 2, 2003
Help! I sold my KDX since I simply did not have the time to ride. I am 41 and have two kids (3 1/2 and 6) Last week I stopped in a Kawi dealer and their is a 2002 200 leftover for $3,500.00 My mind is racing, I have been riding since I have been 11 years old and not to have a bike is killing me. Do I pass on the deal and forget riding for ever or go for it? Don't forget, I am 41 but I am acting like a kid and reading all the KDX stuff I can find!


Oct 6, 2002
I think you came to the wrong place if you wanted to hear "DON"T BUT IT" I'm not a KDX fan but I would buy it. I am also 41 and I don't plan on quitting any time soon. By the way my dad is 63 and he owns and rides a KDX 220, nice ride for an old man.


Nov 12, 1999
don't pass it up... the longer you wait to buy a bike, the more difficult it will be to convince wife and family that you are not too old to still ride...

i'm 47, only ride about seven to ten times a year (been the same amount for the almost the last twenty years), but since i ride so rarely, each time is special. (I started when I was 16, only went about three years without a bike).

Now my son is into it (he's 12), and my wife is considering joining the fun.

Good bike the KDX 220.


Oct 3, 2002
Buy a cheaper KDX and take the rest of the money and buy a mini for your 6 yr. old. That way you're getting the family involved. It's a much easier sell to the wifey that way. In fact, buy your kid a mini first and then you'll have to buy something so he has a chaperone out on the trails.

Worked like a charm for me!


Aug 12, 2002
BUY IT !!!! I paid $3600 for my '01, used. I wouldn't have any other bike.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
6yo = kdx50
41yo = kdx200/220
3-1/2yo = "you'll just have to wait until you're five or you've ridden your bicycle with no training wheels for a year" or similar
wife = day to do things she enjoys without the kids (once the youngest is riding too), in the meantime there's 2 less for her to look after

Don't forget to tell her what a great stress reliever it is, how much the kids will enjoy it (hopefully, as not all do), how you need regular exercise, how you can go to cool places & meet neat people & have something automatically in common with them.

Huh? What are you doing reading this? You should be at the shop by now. Well? Okay, I'll let you off, you've moved onto the for sale forum.

Seriously though, are you just going to park it & drool over it, or will you have time to ride? The kids are coming up to an age where they can join you & relieve mum of the stress for a while - if they enjoy it. The youngest is probably a bit too young (others have started at that age or similar, but it depends on the kid). Your wife may even be interested, you never know. If she likes the outdoors & just relaxing, she may enjoy just sitting around reading while you babysit, but after a while will get bored with that, so maybe save for a bike for her too.

DThoms - nice ride for a lot of people, not just "old men". ;)

CZ, good luck with whatever you decide - there has been plenty of people in similar shoes to yours.


Jul 26, 1999
Uh, Go buy it...now!  The day you stop riding is the day that you are officially old.  Mr. Barr is still racing and finishing enduros, on a KDX no less, and he's 76 years old.

Me and both of my brothers rode with my dad.  Those are some of the best memories that I have, and we all spent time together.  Great family activity.

Buy bike, add gas and oil.  Stir.  Enjoy.  Repeat as needed.


Oct 26, 2002
cz11,to not have a hobby is to die inside.I'm sure you or your wife don't want that.I to try'd to quit dirt biking and play golf,it just wasn't in me.ridding is my passion,cant explain it I just have to go do it!my wife understands and is supportive even in the emergency room.remember,passion is a good thing.


Feb 23, 2003
Buy it! You can always tell the Misses the voices in your head told you too. Worked for me. :) Really, I'm 45 & just bought a 91 KDX200 to ride on. Now I can give the wife back her 87 250R TRX I stole (Borrowed) a couple years ago.


Aug 11, 2002
I'm 45 and I ride a 2002 KDX200. It is the bike for me! I'm buying my 9 yr old daughter an XR70R soon. We will be able to ride together!
A guy in our club is 53 and he is FAST!
I rode a Turkey Run last year and one of the guys was 64 yrs old!

If you can afford the bike, BUY IT! $3500.00 is a good deal! And find a way to fit in a 2 or 3 hour ride here and there. Early Sat. or Sun. morn. Early evenings. Get the picture? I know you do!


Jan 1, 2003
You gotta buy it! and one for the kid too!
I'm 40 and just bought a '97 200. What a thrill! The bike I rode prior this one is a 1972 OSSA Pioneer 250. My 12 year old rides with me on her Yamaha TTR90. It's a real fun thing to ride with your kids. My 6 and 3 year old are starting to get REAL interested too. Yahoooo!



Jan 23, 2003
I'm 47 and I've been riding since I was a kid. I have two boys and we have been riding together since they were 5 years old. Our times on the bikes are truly some of the best times we will ever share and remember. However, I must warn you of something. When the kids get about 12-13, they may be faster than you. Make sure you can handle it.


Dec 10, 2002
I would definately buy a bike, but $3500 doesn't sound like a huge bargain on a left over 2002. I think you should be able to get a 2003 brand new within a few hundred of that price.


Oct 29, 2002
I agree with Zerotact. I spoke to a dealer a day or two ago that said there was a price drop coming on the KDX's. It may be a rebate, I don't know. He indicated it would be around $300 and he would sell me an '03 200 for $3500 out the door plus tax. I talked to another dealer I ride with yesterday and he said he would be getting the info on rebates any day and if $300 off was the right number, he would sell me an '03 200 he has on the floor for $3399 plus tax out the door.

All that said, BUY A KDX :yeehaw: I have the bike fever myself right now and it's driving me nuts!!

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
I have had 4 KDX's for myself starting with a KDX 175 (not counting ones for kids) and I just wish I could find more time to ride. I'm old (64), fat and slow, but there is nothing like riding in the woods. It is just good for the soul. Also good for your family as others have pointed out. Just don't be without a bike. Get one and the KDX models are some of the most enjoyable for our group because of their reliability, ease of operation in lots of different terrain, and simple maintenance. Cheers


Nov 13, 2001
I love my 01 KDX, but with the economy the way it is today I would look at a late model used KDX and you will save some serious coin. Paying 3 grand plus now for a new KDX is not the best move IMHO... I see many a 98,99,00 KDX go for low to mid 2's....

Heck, I have almost 6 grand in my KDX and am kicking myself in the butt! KDX YES, but keep the price down, buy quality used. OR, if you want a race ready 01 KDX with less than 10 hours (bought and built last year new) I will sell you my KDX for $4000, complete with all the mods.... :laugh:

Mike Garrett

Sep 18, 2002
I'd have to agree with gwcrim. See if you can drum up any interest for your oldest in riding. My son will be 12 in September. I bought him a brand new '01 Honda XR70 for his 10th B-day ($1,300). It got pretty old taking him to a "spot" where he could ride in circles ( he wasn't allowed out of my sight). So the following May I bought myself a new '02 KDX 200. he was more exited than I was when he saw it in the garage. Now we go riding on all kinds of different trails. We love riding together and I'm about to upgrade him to a KX 80. Hopefully you can convince your wife :-)


May 27, 2002

I can completely understand what you are going through. Just make sure you talk it through with your wife first. I was never allowed to have a dirt bike while growing up. I always promissed myself that I would own one once I left home. Fotunately/unfortunately my parents were pretty good at giving me a sense of responsibility. I waited for quite some time until I could truly afford one. My wife is very understanding (her brother has been riding since he was 10 yrs old). We made the decision together. Had I just gone out and bought it, she would still resent the bike. Since she was involved in the decision, she now enourages me to ride.

Now I just have to convince her to ride as well. I've been dropping hints that she would look great on a KLX125... ah to dream.

Good luck dude.


Mar 2, 2003
Hello to everyone who replied and thank you very much! Here is what I have decided. Yes, I must buy another KDX and continue to ride! As for buying the new one, well, not sure, if a real nice used one came along I would buy it now but if not, the new one will be mine real soon. Thanks again, really!!

kevin c.

Jan 28, 2003
I am glad that I am not the only old guy here (40) I mostly see kids where I ride, But with the looks on guys my age faces when they see me and a riding buddy of mine I know it is just a matter of time when some of them will get the fever also. btw my kids and wife ride also and it is great fun, good luck on getting back in, and get the kids involved too!


Dec 10, 2002
Don't hessitate to look at a lot of dealers, if you can of course. I live in kansas city, and all of the metro dealers wanted Msrp, plus $200-$300 frieght and assembly. Wich would have broguht my 2003 220 close to $5000. I called a dealer an hour east of me, and the sold me a brand new 2003 220 in dec of 2002, for $4100.

kevin c.

Jan 28, 2003
Call around indeed. I called everyone within 100 miles and got mine for $3900.00 out the door. 03-220 :)


Mar 14, 2003
If ya want it go for it , get the kids and the wife involved also . Plus its a good way to teach them responsibility and pride of ownership ( also a good way to get them away from the video games and tv lol ) Im 40 and ride bikes , sleds and wheelers . Plus Its a great stress reliever Good Luck and Good Riding
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