Nov 13, 2001
Whaz up all you KDX mad men and women! Let's have some fun! I'm going to make a poster to hang in the garage titled 'KDX Wall of Fame' (or something like that). The poster will contain pictures of customized KDX's and possibly their owners. For those who participate, I will make you a copy of the poster and ship it to you at cost (very cheap).

Here is what I need for you to do;

1. Send me your digital pics a) just your KDX and b) you with your KDX, as many as you want to send. The more you send me the better. rtlaforce@msn.com The higher the resolution, the better, size of the file is not an issue.

2. Send me a mods list describing your KDX.

3. Send my your name and or nickname for the poster.

4. Send me a title for the poster and if your title wins, you will get a copy of the poster for free! :yeehaw:

All, even if you no longer own or mount a KDX, send me your old KDX pics, it's all good! Depending on the response, I may make several posters!

Disclaimer: This is not a SPAM, I'm simply having some fun here, no profits involved. :thumb:


Jul 19, 2002
Great idea :)
My pics are on the way. Can we send you a video clip for kicks?
KDX taking the local tracks double


Nov 13, 2001
Well, video files can be a little large. Small clips are fine, but this avoid the larger clips, I'm still on dial up and I hate to slow it down too bad. :laugh:


Nov 13, 2001
Come on guys! I need some pics for my 'Wall of Fame'. How about it

Fred T

Help a brother out.... :worship:


Jul 26, 1999

I had the e-mail addressed and was just about to send the pics and type in the specs when a client called me at 4:55pm.  Then, I was out the door and on the way home.

I'll send it your way on Sunday or monday.  I have 4 pics for you to choose from.

Sorry for the delay.




Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I'm pretty sure I don't have any pix to send you. When's your deadline?
Any photos I've previously scanned at 72dpi as there was no point scanning them at a higher res for the web ;) (working in the printing industry I know how crappy they'll turn out lol)
I'm trying to even think if I've got any decent photos that I could scan in on Monday for you, but so far am coming up blank. It's me that's usually got the camera, as I hate being on the other side of it. We're going riding tomorrow, so can do a pose shot & then just blast through the roll of film, but still wouldn't be able to get them to you till Wednesday at the earliest (Tuesday your time).
Yell out if that's okay. Some of us still prefer old technology (okay, okay, can't afford new technology) hehehe


May 19, 2000
I've got a good one for you RTL but something seems amiss with your e-mail address. Can you check if it's correct in the original post?


Nov 13, 2001
Okay, I have about a dozen bikes so far. Thanks for those who have sent pics. Those who have not, bring em on!

Braahp, I need some of the pics you have on MSN, the look awesome! I need the high resolution orginals. Also, the MTDR ride is the 23rd, check out the latest Vol Rider newsletter from www.volunteerriders.com .



Nov 12, 2001
Hi,, I hope i made it in time.... I just sent you a pic and some info about my bike.. Hope you like it. Well let me know cause i would like a poster too :) Thanx, Speedy


Nov 13, 2001
Plenty of time, bring em on!! :yeehaw:

Also, guys and gals, the poster is going to have many bikes on a single poster, so your poster name needs to speak to multiple bikes. I might have a special poster for vintage KDX's since I have received a few pics from as far back as 85.

Poster Name Samples

'KDX Wall of Fame'
'Vintage KDX'
'Green Machines'
'Maximum Play, Minimum Pay'
'Kickin Kawi's'
Last edited:


Nov 12, 2001
Hi,, what size is the poster gonna be? I cant think of any names for the poster right now but ill keep thinking. 85' WOW! that thing must look pritty cool!! LMAO! J/K hehe I do have a name for my bike however. Since it's a big part of my family and its prolly the smallest as far as size, not motor. I call it my "Baby-KD"(Katie). Boy my woman gets mad about Katie sometimes, but i love her alot! Im also the one that used my new (i just bought it last year) kdx200 in the living room for a christmas tree. I hung ornaments from it and everything. Presents underneath, and a angel sitting on the seat. OHHH it was so nice. My girlfriend didnt really think it was that great but she gave me a good score on creativity. lol "You can never stay clean, when you've got the Green!"


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I have a confession to make. I asked Henk to take a pic of me & the bike on Sunday at the start of the day. Even took the camera with me when we rode together. Only thing was, I was having too much fun & didn't feel like stopping. It only got remembered after the bikes had been loaded in the van.
I've had a bit of a hunt around & found no pix (this is not a bad thing). I might try again Friday, but don't hold your breath. I'm a slack-ass & know it.
Still would like to see what the poster looks like when it's done.


Nov 13, 2001
The poster project is still in the first phase, photo collection. I have received a nice variety of modern woods weapons to vintage restorations. The current issue revolves around the technology of creating a poster with digital images without distortion. I'm learning that most pics sent to me are generally taken or scanned at a very low resolution making my task extremely challanging. I'm currently researching the poster making process from a technical perspective, so it will be a while before we go to print. Any insights to poster making is welcome. Also, it looks like some of our current KDXers own print shops, so that could help with the pricing. In addition, it was recommended that I select the top 13 pics for a 2003 calendar. Anyone interested in a KDX calendar?

In the mean time, bring on those pics! Many of the major KDX players from this forum no longer ride green but still help us current KDXers out with technical advice. We need some more of the old KDXers to submitt their pics if possible. I will be contacting some of the major KDX forum players personally to see what I can dig up.

Keep those pics rolling in. In fact, even if you have submitted pics, feel free to clean the KDX up and submit updated pics to increase your odds of being selected for the poster and or calendar. :cool:


Nov 12, 2001
Cool!! I would be interested in a calender but i think by the time it will be done, it will be close to 2004 hehe but i still would want one. But 2004 would be alot more useful at this point, if we make it there lol.


Nov 13, 2001
Project Update

Okay, I'm learning a ton of what you can and can not do with digital pics. I'm still trying to figure the best way to put the poster together, as there are a ton of technical hurdles... The good news is that I have around 35 pics to work with to date. HOWEVER, many of the pics are low resolution. I need high resolution pics for the poster. Plenty of time left to submit pics OR you can send me a print and I will scan it myself. The assortment of bikes is awesome, and the top 13 will also make it onto the calendar. Yes, a calendar will also be made! But, I need more quality pics! As of now, we have three categories of pics, 'Bikes', 'Bikes with Owners' and "Vintage KDX's".

Thanks Michelle, George and the others for your help with this winter project. Props to all you Canadian boyz for your pics also, maybe another category if more Northerners submit.

Bring on your BEST pics, even if you have already submitted, bring em on!! Email or PM me if you want to send photos to be scanned.

The is turning out to be REALLY COOL! Bring em on, bring em on.... :worship: :worship:


Aug 11, 2002
Hey RTL, I have a pic with me and my 2 1/2 year old cousin sitting on my 97' KDX. It's not the best bike, the only mod it has is an fmf pipe, uni air-filter and acrebis bark busters, but it's a "cute" picture. If you want it send me a pm with your adress, so I can send you the pic (my scanner doesn't work most the time and when it does it sucks!)

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