
Sep 28, 2003
Thinking of buying a new bike and I've narrowed it down to KDX220R or WR250F. I ride rocky terrain, mostly 2nd or 3rd gear with occasional fire roads. Aggressive trail riding but no racing. I want a bike that can take what I dish out. I really like the WR line, but they are quite a bit more expensive than a KDX. I could splurge on the WR but it would hurt me a little. Any thoughts?


Oct 6, 2002
There was a good article in the AMA mag a month or two ago about why people buy what bike. I believe the majority of the replies suggested to buy a bike with your heart not your head, this is what will make you the most satisfied in the long run.
What I'm trying to say is if you like the WR the best buy and don't look back. When your being buried you won't miss the extra money you spent.
The KDX is a popular bike, but has it's limits I ride with two guys that have them. By the time you modify them so they are a decent bike you are going to be close the price of the Yamaha, but you won't be near the performance of the Yamaha. Also if you go for the KDX you might want to consider the 200 over the 220. You can get to a higher level of performance for less money with the 200 than you can with the 220. I know this don't sound right but if you do a little research you'll find out it's true.
What do you think of the KTM 200 EXC? This might be a better fit than either the KDX or the WR, and at a comparable price. The nice thing about the KTM it is just about race ready right out of the box. A few must mods for the KTM would be a CDI relocator and a Clutch saver.


Jan 29, 2003
The WR is a nice bike and while the suspension absolutely rocks, I wouldn't trade my KDX for it, unless it was to sell it and use the proceeds to build a KDX more. The WR is very picky with carburetor tweaks and suffers from absolutely no low end (even though it's a 4 stroke). The best thing to do is see if you can ride both...take a pillow to sit on when you ride the WR...it's seat is little more than a covered 2X4 and will bruise you.


Sep 28, 2003
I've read a lot about the KTM 200EXC. I love that bike but I live in a small province in Canada and there isn't a KTM dealer for a 1000 miles or more.
By the way the way, thanks to everyone who replies - your advice is very helpful.


Jan 4, 2003
I used to have a kdx and now I have a yz250f. All I can say is that I'd give up dirtbiking if I had to ride a kdx again. The 250f has way more power than the kdx, I even think it has more low end and the suspension and egros are way better. The jetting isn't hard at all to sort out either. All it really requires is fuel screw changes.


Mar 25, 2001
I have owned, and raced both. They are both nice bikes, it really comes down to two or four stroke. The KDX220, needs porting, pipe+ silencer, and fork springs( all together about $500). With those mods, I won A level hare scrambles, east coast terrain ( last year). The WR was nice too. The WR chassis fit me better ( I'm 6'1), unfortuneately, thats all the good I have to say about the WR. I enjoyed play riding on it, but  had no intrest in racing it. Anyone that says the WR has a huge edge over the KDX motor wise, has never rode a modified KDX. With porting, and a pipe, that motor ripped. It was awesome in the tight stuff. Out west, in the open, they would both be considered mopeds.  Tim 


Dec 9, 1999
I happen to have an 02KDX and 01WR250f sitting in the garage right now. Since your using words like "aggresive" I would say the WR250f. Engine wise the KDX is easy to ride while the WR likes to be revved. But the WR is just much more advanced than the KDX especially in the suspension department.

If you ride hard you will end up spending the price difference modifying the KDX in no time. If cost is a major factor you can find some good deals on used KDX's maybe already with some mods. Since it's an entry bike many people buy them but give up the sport in a year or two and have a pristine bike to dump. I think that's the only way to cost justify buying a KDX over the WR.

good luck

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