KelvinKDX's 225 ride report


Feb 9, 2000
Have we heard from Jim yet about his 'new' 225 ride, or did I miss it ?! :)

kaw Bill

Oct 1, 1999
I happened to have recieved my 225 cylinder recentely and while I've only had a chance to test it in the dirt by the alley behind my house it certainly seems to pull much harder off the bottom. Second gear power wheelies right of idle. I couldn't do that before unless I was on pavement. It's hard to judge the midrange and top end power with out acually having space to do it. I'll give an update as soon as I get it out for a real ride.

kaw Bill


Jun 8, 1999
Hey Bundu .. I was lucky enough to get to ride it at Loretaa Lynns Spring ride and WOW. That thing pulled like my buddies KTM 300 EXC. Very strong bottom and mid range. Kinda like a 220 on steroids. I believe Jim had the Torque pipe so the top end was kinda flat. I would be real interested in seeing what a REV pipe and the 225 kit would do. Hey Kaw Bill you got a torque pipe or REV pipe?

I can tell you this I know what I am getting myself for Xmas this year. YUP an Eric Gorr KDX 225. :)


May 17, 2000
I have a REV pipe and once I got my jetting dialed in the bike pulls much harder and longer than my 200 did at WOT. It's like the bike has two powerbands, one down low which is very linear and one up high that makes your arms hurt from holding on.
I can blip the throttle from closed to 50% and the bike doesn't do anything scary but instead accelerates smoothly which makes slow riding much easier than my 200. If I blip the throttle from closed to 75% or 100% then the bike comes to life with a wheelie that requires quick rear brake to prevent butt surfing and If I hold WOT in the higher gears the bike continues pulling HARD until I let off.
I also noticed I dont shift as much which could also be due to dropping a tooth on the rear.


200cc with REV, TC2, 35mmcarb, boyseen reeds, airbox mod, 13/50
-bike needs shifted alot
-0 to 50% throttle blips would break loose rear tire, kinda fun but not good for traction.
-third gear wheelies were no problem when @ WOT

225cc REV, TC2, 35mmcarb, boyseen reeds, airbox mod, 13/49
-less shifting required, If I find myself in a gear too high when starting a hill climb the bike still motors up the hill where the 200 would require a quick downshift.
-0 to 50% throttle blips are smooth and linear without any hit but 0 to 75% blips are another story.
-fourth gear wheelies are no problem when at WOT in forth the bike accelerates smoothly then when the powervalve kicks in the front wheel flies skyward if enough traction is present :D

The bike even sounds different, lower tone that is snappier.

I have no regrets, only injuries and disgruntled riding partners.


Aug 25, 2000

OK OK - I have not written any kind of ride report. I have been extrememly busy and have not had the chance to get out and tune things in or even ride much. I did ride the Lorrette Lynn's Spring ride (as MikeB stated) and was very happy with what I have seen out of the 225 so far. I am currently (trying) training for a back to back century bicycle ride (May 10th) that i am probably too out of shape to be doing anyway. So - there will be no dirtbiking until after Mother's Day. :whiner:

I can tell you this - the bike pulls like a 4S. The bike was able to grunt its' way through hill climbs that would have definately required a downshift prior to the modifications. I would like to try the KG-30 pipe to see what the top end performance difference is. I have a 12T front sprocket on the bike right now with 47 rear. This will probably change too.

I rode the bike with the carb jetting as it came from RB-Designs (CEK needle, #3 clip, #42 pilot, #152 main). While this seemed to work well, there was plenty of spouge to go around for everyone! :eek: Besides that i foulded a plug on the nice tight single track loop that they had set up at LL. :( So, some jetting work is needed.

Once i get a chance to really tune it in and evaluate it i will post a more detailed report.

Alan - too bad that you could not have been @ LL to try it yourself.

Now i need to get out and put some miles on the bicycle!! Else I am toast in a few weeks. :ugg:
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