
Aug 26, 2004
I have the manual but am at work now and figured I'd post up.

I am picking up a universal kill swtich to hook up on a buddies 89 YZ250 so he can sell it.

I can't recall seeing any wires to hook it up to. Maybe they were ripped off and are still behind the flywheel cover.

If not can I still ground one wire on the switch and then tap into the coil or CDI and hook it up that way?

Do any one have any further details on this?


Jan 19, 2006
A wiring diagram would help you out a bunch. Normally, the external coil or CDI is grounded, not the stator. You'll have to take the fuel tank off and search around, and see if they are still there, but just tucked away under the bodywork. Like I say, your life will be easier if you have a wiring diagram to help you out.
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