KTM 125 SX... good beginner bike?


Mar 11, 2001
All, I am not ignoring your suggestions, I was just excited about getting my 1st dirtbike! In a hour or so I am going to go ride the 125sx and if I feel it will not be adequate, I will simply pass on the deal. My sights are wide open as to which bike to get. Like I said, I was originally going to get a KTM 200 E/XC but none of the dealers could find one. I was calling around earlier today and I found 1 KTM 200 E/XC up in dallas. I will probably go ahead and get that. If that does not work out, then I may get a KDX 200 or 220.

Kali, why are you being such a b*tch? I never did anything to you. I just asked a simple question and you have to call me a squid? You dont know sh*t about me and you go off and call me a squid. I am just very interested in finally getting a dirtbike and learning how to ride it and take care of it and most of all, have some fun on it with my friends and my dad.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
This is getting out of hand.

Everyone seems to have their panties in a bunch over a ridiculous topic. I had people tell me that the KTM might not be the best bike for me and it’s true, it has a TON of horsepower that I can’t use right now but what better way to grow into it and improve? You won’t improve if you don’t push yourself and everyone knows their limits. If you ignore those limits, you get hurt, and you learn something. Period. And also, if you ask a question, you have to realize that you’re going to get answers you like and answers you don’t; the wide array of experience and opinions is the nice thing about this forum. So you need to sort through what you can use and what you don’t feel is pertinent, and not take offense.

So all this "squid" and "b*#%c" name calling is really not necessary.


May 4, 2001
Defintion of squid. "Me trying to ride a Ntl. level supercross with the likes of RC, MC or Travis! All of us have been "Squids" at one time or another. NuKemAll, dont get offended by others opinions or remarks. Forums like this are open to all and opinions will differ and some will be offended. Name calling just belittles both parties and never resolves anything. Let's all just enjoy this forum and not take it so serious:) ;) Hey Kali, I'll bet there have been times that you have even been a "Squid ":D ;) Come on now, be honest, tell us!! We could have some fun with this.;)


May 4, 2001
Hey NukEmAll, heres your chance to make up and be friends.;) Hurry up and learn to ride that KTM125 and teach Kali to wheelie like Pastrana:scream: :)


May 4, 2001
Well Kali, these forums are supposed to be fun, and if people get too, how should I put this, "anal", then everything gets blown out of perspective. I say lets just laugh :confused: it off and have a good time. By the way, I am jealous of NukEmAll. My first bike was a Moped:scream: :scream: Congrats on a cool first bike(if that is in fact the one he gets). Oh yea, watch out for that TREE!!!:)


Nov 8, 1999
Man, what have I been missing?

People, remember when you were 15 and wanted something real bad? You'd have posters in your room, pin-ups in your locker at school, cut pictures out of magazines and taped them in/on your school binders. Youthful exuberance is wonderful!

Nukemall, if you have the $$, or if you have generous parents, and can go out and get that brand new KTM 125 (or 200), you go boy! You will learn to ride either bike awesome, that I am sure of! I have ridden with young guys on 125s in the tough stuff, and they hang!

Nukemall, from my parent side - don't call Kali names! She even calls me a squid, and we are friends. Also, with a sign-on name like; Nukemall you better be a tough guy!

Get your bike and have fun, and welcome to the world of orange! Frequent the KTM forum, and we will help you through all those KTM questions you are going to have. See ya here!
Last edited:


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
My bad Kali...it was firscracker who mentioned her friend riding the xr 200.
Y'all just look alike :D

Btw...a "Squid" is one who leaves a lil chili in there pants after a good wheelie lesson!


May 3, 2001
I agree, KTM's are awesome. But I also agree there is some very good opinions here regarding KDX's and other smoother bikes -- I am truly impressed at the voices of experience. NukEmAll, if you buy the 125 as your first bike for trail riding be careful! Here's a real life lesson on why these people are saying this:

A guy I used to work with is a true motorcycle nut -- has 5 bikes, including a new BMW road bike. Well, he rode a CR250 on some trails a couple years ago and woke up on the ground with everyone standing over him gawking. He kind of felt numb and finally looked down at his chest, to see a 3" diameter tree branch sticking out through the middle of his chest protector! They Star-flighted him to a hospital where he underwent emergency surgery and after about a week in the ICU lived to ride again. Talk about lucky -- that day wasn't his day to go.

What happened? Well, it seems the event organizer had used chainsaws to cut some tree branches off trees to clear a nice trail but left ~6" of the branches coming out of the trunks. My friend came around a turn and his hand slipped a bit, twisting the throttle a little more. He then got the CR250 power explosion, which spun him around so he went straight into the tree.

NukEmAll you said you could go up to Dallas to get the 200EX/C? If so, that's a great way to go. Also, you don't happen to live in my neck of the woods do you? It's always nice to meet other folks in the sport.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Hey Nuke, remember, opinions are like a..., er, elbows! Everybody's got 'em.;)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Wish I had one!

<<Homer Simpson voice on>>

mmmmmmmmmmmm, KTM 520EXC, aahglaahglllaaahralglalalalglalglagl (wipe up the drool)

<<voice off>>

When all this house buying crap settles down, I'm gonna convince my ol' lady that I need a new bike!


Oct 31, 2000
Did you ride the 125SX? How did you like it? Were you able to compare it to anything else?



Nov 8, 1999
tree branch


Here we go again, but I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings or anything;) That example is horrible. I ride one of the most managable desert machines made. I still looped the thing twice in my last Hare Scramble. What I am getting at is you could have a tree branch impale you on an XR100! It wasn't the bikes fault, unless there was a mechanical failure.


May 3, 2001
He puts it in that category. Said that thing is just too touchy and explosive and no surprise, sold it. I say that's the way CR's are supposed to be and you need the right tool for the job.


Nov 8, 1999
Quick Power

Doug I must agree that all 40 some horses come on all at once on MX bikes. Thats how they can double and even triple right out of a corner in supercross. Unless the CR is 'enduroized' it is a handful!


Mar 12, 2001
My first bike was a CR250, I got it when i was 15.
But i guess that doesnt matter because only a squid would learn to ride on a 2-stroke.

Anybody that will come into this sport willing to learn on and grow into a machine that some may think is too powerful for him/her has earned my respect.


Mar 11, 2001
Hi all, I just got back from waco and I did not get the 125 SX. My dad and I both agreed that I would get a 200, be it a KDX or a KTM. My dad however did buy a KTM 300 M/XC and I learned the basics on that bike (It was soooooo freaking awesome, I dont even know where to begin). That bike has awesome power and I only stayed in 1st and second gear, putting around on a flat dirt place. It was so awesome and I am hooked. Tomorrow we will be going to Houston (hopefull) to buy a KTM 200 E/XC or a 200 M/XC.

DougRoost- It is a small world man, I live in RoundRock, it is about 15 minutes north of Austin! That is amazing.

Man, I cannot get over that KTM 300 M/XC!! It was so awesome! HOLY ****!
I want to go ride it again!

Kali, I am sorry for calling you a b!tch, I was kinda mad that you do not even know me and you were calling me a squid (which I am most definetly NOT).:confused:

I cant wait for tomorrow, I will be able to ride my dads dirtbike some more and hopefully be getting my 200...


May 3, 2001
NukEmAll, I think you're making a good call. Yes, I love my 4 stroker but the KTM 300 is one awesome bike. It tractors like a 4 stroke and has so much power that even the low end is good. I rode one before I bought my KLX and said this is the 2 stroke I just may grow into -- unless I get the 400EX/C!!! It is quite a bit heavier than a 125cc 2 stroke but I think since I'd be coming from a 4 stroke I'd be used to it. Pumpkin bikes are just so nice, kind of the dirt bike equivalent of a BMW.


Mar 11, 2001
I forgot to say, man the throttle on the 300 is very sensative! While I was riding it, I was going fairly slow and I reved it up a little in 1st gear and the front end flew up and it scared the **** out of me! It is also pretty easy to start and get going and all, man, I cannot get over how much fun it was riding it!!! Tomorrow and sunday we are going to be riding mostly the whole day. I am going to start out very slow. We have a place right by our house and it is perfect. It is just a small, flat dirt field and I am going to practice shifting, turning, and all that good stuff. I am hooked on dirtbike riding! It is so much fun! While I was riding and a while after wards, I could not wipe the smile off my face.


Nov 30, 2000
If you thought 1st & 2nd were good just wait till you get to really open it up!!! (please be careful though).:cool:


Mar 11, 2001
Man, those KDXs are pretty hard to find around this time of year! Luckily though, we found a KDX 220R in Houston. I will be going to pick it up in a few hours. I cannot wait to get it!


Nov 8, 1999

Originally posted by NukEmAll
Man, those KDXs are pretty hard to find around this time of year! Luckily though, we found a KDX 220R in Houston. I will be going to pick it up in a few hours. I cannot wait to get it!




Mar 11, 2001
Strick, why is that so funny?

All, I just got back from riding my KDX 220 and it is awesome. It is alot more friendly than that KTM 300. I enjoyed myself so much. It has plenty of power for me, I only used about half the throttle if not less. Tomorrow I will do some more trail riding with my dad and I am really looking forward to it. Thanks for all the advice you all gave me, I am really happy with the KDX.


Jun 29, 1999
Onya. A kdx is just about the perfect beginner bike, imo.

I also don't agree with much of the advice in this thread. Imo, a 125 mxer is a great bike to learn on. Sure you may get a few bruises, but if you have the desire, you will learn quickly. Yes they have some drawbacks, but they also have some advantages, such as weight and flickability... Opinions, elbows, etc :).

Tennessee Thumper

Sponsoring Member
Jan 23, 2000
NukEmAll,You made a good choice.Make sure you have good safety gear and have at it.
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