Just figured I would ask here before I proceeded with anything. Locally there is a 00 KTM 300 for sale but the whole engine is disassembled and the cases split. The owner said he was riding one day and the bike pretty much just died out. He had the motor pulled completely apart and was told the rod for the crank was bad and was once seized at one point. Upon looking at the bike the crank and rod seemed fine but I'm not sure if I missed anything. The ROD has no movement really. Maybe very little side to side, like a mm if that. All the gears looked good as did the cylinder and the piston. Everything also seemed to rotate freely with no bearings seeming seized up from what I could tell. What else is there to really check, I don't see how the rod could of been seized up like the dealer told the owner, nothing looked out of the ordinary either. Just looks like it needs put back together but what else should I check since everything is fully apart? The price was ok, I offered a little less due to the fact I don't know exactly what the issues are and not trying to drop a butt load of money into it but overall the bike itself was in good condition. I would really like to try out a KTM and thought this was the perfect bike since I could put the whole thing back together myself knowing whats what and not guessing at what the previous owner did to the internals before buying it.