KX-65 Lower triple clamp fork-stop damage


Mar 25, 2001
My son was in a pretty fine crash that damaged both the fork stop on the frame and one of the nipples sticking up on the lower triple clamp. The welding shop fixed the frame stop easy, but said they couldn't weld on the triple clamp. I JB Welded it, but after a few motos the JB was basically beaten away.

Is there anything else I can do short of getting a new lower clamp?



David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Possibly. You might be able to drill & tap the existing stop & run a bolt head into it to decrease the turning.

Failing that if that is too damaged; cut the stop off completely & file it flat. Drill & tap as large a bolt as you can to replace the stop (M8?). Use a quality bolt head ie: stainless allen cap. Be careful to ascertain where its position will be & that it will clear the other direction.

Measure twice drill once.
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