If you don't have the service manual, go to
www.buykawasaki.com and look up your year's picture diagrams on the powervalve assembly. Actually , howwever, it's almost easier than changing the clip on your carb needle.
Pop the pipe off (remove silencer first, remove springs at the pipe/cylinder junction, remove the 8mm and 10mm bolts that hold the pipe in place, and gently remove the pipe without dinging up the backside of your right radiator).
Once the pipe is off, you'll see a little plastic cover. Remove the 2 8mm bolts and you'll see the mechanism that opens your valves as the rpms increase. Pretty self-explanatory after that.
There a little clip that holds the "wheel" to the powervalve actuator shaft that is connected to the powervalves in the top end. (my term...I don't know what Kawie calls it!!) Remove the clip gently and not while in the dirt. Don't lose it!!
Place a srewdriver at an angle behind the arm connected to the lower end and gently pull towards you to take wheel off while using a punch to try to push the powervalve shaft away from you and towards the engine to free the wheel. Try to keep the wheel in alignment as it makes it easier to pull off the powervalve shaft.
When it's all said and done, you should end up with a clip, the wheel, and a washer. When you do a top end, you'll have to disconnect the powervalve anyway to remove the cylinder and replace the piston. So consider this good practice.
Good luck!